Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lord Moncton destroys Global Warming

Ooops, I guess I shouldna procrastinated about watching this.

It is 1 1/2 hours out of your life that will permanently alter your perception in regards to "Climate Change".

Make this go viral!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The Real Israel, the elect, chosen from the foundation of the Earth, the Born from Above Sons of Yah who were bought and paid for by the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ, YESHUA MESSIAH!

It's the Kabbalistic, Talmudist, Christ hating, Khazarian, Ashkenazi's that I have a problem with.

And, apparently, they have a problem with us Christians.

I want to state right here and now, that Yeshua paid the price for ALL of our sins, Jew and Gentile, so I am not promoting any kind of hate against anyone. I love everyone on the planet, just like the Lord told us to, but I am also wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove, pointing out sin to any who will head the warning.

This video was taken at a Christmas service in a church in Beer-Sheba Israel.

The video is a little disorganized but there was reported to be over $2500 in damages done to the place by those nice people with the funny hats.

After being there in 1996, I can tell you that the only thing Christian about the "Holy Land" is the tourist traps, kept going for the Christian suckers who fund this hell hole.

I ran where Jesus walked, but at least I didn't get shipped out of there in a cage, like so many brothers and sisters have been.

In the Book of Revelations, we are told about those, "who say they are Jews but are not, they do lie", I believe that these false "jews" are the Zionists who occupy Palestine today.

Are the Palestinians our enemy? John Hagee and his ilk would have you believe that, but there are Palestinian Christians, who are our brethren, who suffer more intense persecution for their faith than anyone else in the "Holy Land". They need our prayers and support, not the neo-CON faith based lies that saw us turn our backs as Isra-hell bombed the crap out of Gaza last year.

I'm calling you out Christian. I'm saying it's time to wake up and see what is really going on there and to ask yourselves "Who would Jesus Kill?"

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


And I'm convinced it's true!

The Bible, The "Good Book", Holy Writ, The Word Of God, The Scriptures......

These titles and a few more are used to describe what is unarguably the most published, most widely read, dearly loved (or hated) collection of words in the history of mankind.

In it we get a brief overview of history, (understatement here for the marginal among us!) the story of one sorry little bunch of losers known as Israel, and finally, the redemption from sin that was promised at the beginning of it. How's that for a quickie book report eh?

I condensed it so that I can get straight to my premise. That is that.....

The Bible is thee Master Computer Program that holds the entire known, and unknown, Universe together!!!

Nut job. Whacko. That's just stupid. Is there any beer left?

These comments and more have been hurled my way whenever I have suggested this, and these are from the Christians!

Funny thing, that Word of God, it get's folks rather opinionated and dogmatic in their thinking. "I was taught that....insert dogma a child, and I'm not about to entertain any wild ideas now!"

Well, let's not be too hasty here.

What does it say in the Old Scriptures anyway?

How about, "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." Hebrews 11:3

Or how about this classic, "Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away." Matthew 24:35

And another, "Till heaven and Earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Matthew 5:18

And The Biggie, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Yahoveh, and the Word was Yahovey. The same was in the beginning with Yah. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made." John 1: 1-3

That's just a few of the hints that Yah has dropped there in His Word about the matter, there are more.

I mean, think about it, if Yahwey could create the Universe, (multiverse?), by speaking it into being, create all living things with Man being His crowning achievement, who by the knowledge given him has created amazing things, like the computer for instance, why couldn't He have set all of this in motion eons ago as a simple program on His Holy Hard drive?

Ok, I saw the Matrix, and it did kinda prod me in this direction. (Hey, God can speak through a donkey, he can certainly use a movie.)

Another thing that brought me to this conclusion was the works of Ivan Panin. He was a Russian mathematician and Bible scholar, who spent over 50 years looking for, and finding, the numerical patterns in the Hebrew text. (NO, this is not "the Bible Code!") He found that since Hebrew is an Alpha/numeric language (meaning that the letters are numbers too) the numerical patterns were frequent and consistent throughout the Torah. He also discovered that if even one "jot or tittle" was removed, or misplaced, the entire structure of the Word would be lost and it would no longer "add up".

Obviously, this Word of God wasn't thrown together by a bunch of clever shysters out to make a buck and promote their deity du jure, it was truly written by men who were inspired and led by the Holy Spirit, who humbly and with fear and trembling, wrote down what the Lord dictated to them, verbatim.

So, I realize that I'm taking some big leaps around here. It keeps me in shape.

Study it for yourself. Live the Word for a while. Be still and know that HE IS GOD.

As this world goes down the drain, just like the Word says it will, we have a sure foundation.

On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.


Satan looses!

Friday, December 25, 2009

We wish you a Safety Christmas, and a Politically Correct New Year

I can't take the credit, or blame, for this..........

While Shepherds Watched
While shepherds watched
Their flocks by night
All seated on the ground
The angel of the Lord came down
And glory shone around

H&S response: The union of Shepherds has complained that it breaches health and safety regulations to insist that shepherds watch their flocks without appropriate seating arrangements being provided, therefore benches, stools and orthopaedic chairs are now available. Shepherds have also requested that due to the inclement weather conditions at this time of year, they should watch their flocks via CCTV cameras from centrally heated shepherd observation huts. Please note; the angel of the lord is reminded that before shining his/her glory all around she/he must ascertain that all shepherds have been issued with glasses capable of filtering out the harmful effects of UVA, UVB and 'Glory'. Now click through here for more...!


Jingle Bells
Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way

H&S response: A risk assessment must be submitted before an open sleigh can be considered safe for members of the public to travel on. The risk assessment must also consider whether it is appropriate to use only one horse for such a venture, particularly if passengers are of larger proportions. Please note; permission must be gained from landowners before entering their fields. To avoid offending those not participating in celebrations, we would request that laughter is moderate only and not loud enough to be considered a noise nuisance.

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer?
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw him
You would even say it glows

H&S response: You are advised that under the 'Equal Opportunities for All' policy, it is inappropriate for persons to make comment with regard to the ruddiness of any part of Mr. R. Reindeer. Further to this, exclusion of Mr. R. Reindeer from the Reindeer Games shall be considered discriminatory and disciplinary action will be taken against those found guilty of this offence. A full investigation will be implemented and sanctions - including suspension on full pay - will be considered whilst this investigation takes place.

The Rocking Song
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep, do not stir
We will lend a coat of fur
We will rock you, rock you, rock you
We will rock you, rock you, rock you

H&S response: Fur is no longer appropriate wear for small infants, both due to the risk of allergy to animal fur, and for ethical reasons. Therefore faux fur, a nice cellular blanket or perhaps micro-fleece material should be considered a suitable alternative NB:
only persons who have been subject to a Criminal Records Bureau check and have enhanced clearance will be permitted to rock baby Jesus. Persons must carry their CRB disclosure with them at all times and be prepared to provide three forms of identification before rocking commences.

Little Donkey
Little donkey
Little donkey on the dusty road
Got to keep on plodding onwards
With your precious load

H&S response: The RSPCA have issued strict guidelines with regard to how heavy a load that a donkey of small stature is permitted to carry. Also included in the guidelines is guidance regarding how often to feed the donkey and how many rest breaks are required over a four hour plodding period. Please note that due to the increased risk of pollution from the dusty road, Mary and Joseph are required to wear facemasks to prevent inhalation of any airborne particles. The RSPCA has also expressed discomfort at donkeys being labelled 'little' and would prefer they just be simply? referred to as Mr. Donkey. To comment upon his height or lack thereof may be considered an infringement of his equine rights.

We Three Kings
We three kings of Orient are
Bearing gifts we traverse afar
Field and fountain, moor and mountain
Following yonder star

H&S response: Whilst the gift of gold is still considered acceptable - as it may be redeemed at a later date through such organisations as 'cash for gold' etc., gifts of frankincense and myrrh are not appropriate due to the potential risk of oils and fragrances causing allergic reactions. A suggested gift alternative would be to make a donation to a worthy cause in the recipient's name or perhaps give a gift voucher. We would not advise that the traversing kings rely on navigation by stars in order to reach their destinations and recommend the use of the RAC route finder or satellite navigation, which will provide the quickest route and advice regarding fuel consumption. Please note as per the guidelines from the RSPCA for Mr. Donkey, the camels carrying the three kings of Orient will require regular food and rest breaks. Facemasks for the three kings are also advisable due to the likelihood of dust from the camels' hooves....

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christ-like-ness

Regarding "Christmas"....Gospel of Luke, points clearly to the feast of tabernacles as being the date of birth...He came to "tabernacle among us"...if you break down the dates and months of the story of Elizabeths husband being a priest and serving his time of rotational duty the "course of ABIA" ( JUNE 13TH THRU 19TH)..

THE COURSE OF ABIA.(JUNE 13TH through 19th)...this is the KEY...everything hinges on this date...when your done breaking down Luke end up with Gabriel (in the 6th month: from Zacharias' duty) speaking to Miriam( Mary) about the Holy Spirit...)....December 25! this heathen holiday is actually the date of the indwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT... 9 months later...feast of is actually an opportunity to open up the scripture with folks and read the real...Christmas story...folks will be angry about giving up their pagan holy day..but you can just share with joy the true day and the true significance of Dec.25....YOU CAN CATCH MORE BEES WITH PAGAN CHRISTMAS COOKIES THAN BITTER HERBS...HEHEHE

Don't miss the point...the SPIRIT OF YAH...THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR...moved upon a simple woman , at this time of is a very spirit filled time and a great time to consider how the spirit is wanting to do great things in all of us also...even if others don't believe at first, even those closest to us , one day , EMANUEL! (ELOHIM(god)) with us..... US, YOU AND I!...If you be-live be-live what he said..."greater things than these YOU SHALL DO"..
There are trying times for men's souls at our doorsteps...but also signs and wonders..."Yahushua (Jesus) said .."I HAVE GIVEN YOU FOR SIGHS AND WONDERS"...yep , YOU!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Poor Adolf, always the brides maid, never the bride......

Now that the whole "Climate Change" scam is out in the open, I expect "them" to continue to push their lies and their agenda with even more vigor.

In case you've been asleep or dead for the last week or so, Global Warming has been surreptitiously exposed for the bunch of hot air that it is.

Of course, this has caused no end of misery for the Zionists, Nazis and other ner-do-wells in their ivory towers.

Just because it's the end of the world, that doesn't mean we can't have a good laugh about it.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

You Don't Have To Be Sick!

Ok, this will get me in trouble with those of you who believe that we must simply accept our illnesses and try to "learn from them". There are all kinds of folks that are teaching us all kinds of different ways to be healthy, but most of them are going in the opposite direction that the Word of God wants to lead us. Typical human nature again.

There is "A More Excellent Way"!

We have been lied to, again, by the church, the world and auntie Mabel with her "new" supplements and vitamins.

I could go on and on here but I want to give you a link to a life changing and LIFE GIVING seminar.

Open your heart to receive the truth and "may you prosper as your soul prospers"...

Dr. Wright has something to share that will change your life and your eternity!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

THAT'S MY KING! Do you know Him?

I found this on YouTube about a year ago and was brought to tears by the simple but powerful message of this preacher......

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Brother Nathaniel Kapner

This guy is something else.

He is one of the very few who are willing to speak up about the Zionist threat that we ALL as Christians, are the sworn enemies of.

Although he is an Orthodox Christian, we won't hold that against him, he was born Jewish and has paid a very high price for his faith in Messiah Yeshua.

And he can bust some moves!

His website, , is a lightning rod of controversy. Some of the posters on his comments section are, shall we say, rather religious, dogmatic and even idolatrous. We certainly don't agree with everything the Brother or his commenters say but the exchange of ideas is enlightening and entertaining, all with a very serious under tone.

I highly recommend that you study the issue of Zionism for yourself, you may find that what the "churchianity crowd" has been preaching and teaching isn't so accurate after all.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

What if.......

What if we could live in Freedom without Fear of speaking our minds
Without Fear of prosecution or false imprisonment
Upbraiding the Enemies who live amongst us without litigation
And the prospect of being hauled before the Sanhedrin?
What if God walks amongst us and is our Friend?
What if those who Presume to govern us become our Servants
And listen to the yearnings of our hearts' own desires
To live in a world free of usury, Zionism and economic servitude
So that our children have a Future and will never be slaves?
To read the rest of this thoughtful treatise click on the link below:

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Anthropological Global Stupidity


The voices crying in the wilderness are becoming a deafening roar. And rightly so.

I sent a quick email to our Prime Minister, Steven Harper, asking him to NOT sign the Copenhagen treaty.

Since the whole Global Warming/Climate Change scam has been exposed for the power grab that it really is, shouldn't we be rounding up the scoundrels who started this and prosecuting them? Do they still hang people for treason?

Ah, yes, can't be a good Christian and support killing the bad guys. We're supposed to just let them kill us! Ok then. They're coming for you and your wife and children. What would Jesus do?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Beware of the Anti-Christmas

Ok, it's been a while. Sorry.

Now, on to the premise of today's blog.


I'm kind of torn here. The idea of getting together with friends and family for a good feed and some pleasantries is a fond memory. Granted, there have been some rather despondent Christmases, like the first couple of them after my ex-wife stole my children and vanished with them, but on the whole, it brings back thoughts of happiness.

But then....

There's always a "but then....."

I grew up. I was gloriously saved by the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, and had my sins forgiven, and was "born again".

One of the things that God does for us after we are saved is, "He leads us into all truth".

Let me tell you, "all truth" isn't always pleasant or necessarily welcome. Sometimes it's downright intrusive.

Such was the revelation that christmas isn't biblical or Christian. I don't want to cause any unnecessary angst here but a simple investigation into the whole thing leads one to the fact that it just ain't.

My first clue was the Santa Deception. This supposedly omnipresent, omniscient character who lives on milk and cookies whose name, if one rearranges some letters is Satan. Not a nice thing to discover. Ok, flimsy stuff, and certainly no evidence there, but it is compelling.

Next, "and the shepherds were keeping watch of their flocks by night". Whoa. Stop. Back up.

Um, in case you didn't notice, December 25th is winter time. Even in ancient Israel it got mighty cold there at night around then. So cold that shepherds weren't "watching heir flocks by night" around that time, they were warming their feet by the fire somewhere. And the sheep? They were nicely tucked away in their stalls in their wool coats.

That one made me stop and think.

How about the fact that traditionally, December 25th has been used by the heathen as a time to celebrate the winter solstice. No doubt throwing a baby or two into the burning arms of Molech to ensure a good year to come. As one good old boy put it, "That ain't Crischun!"

Enter the Romans.

The early church and Rome were not compatible. If you will recall, even Bugs Bunny new that Nero burnt and generally murdered lots of true Christians. But, dag nab it, he discovered God's math, kill one two more pop up. Kill them and four more appear. kill those four and then there are eight, & cetera. It might cut down on the competition for the position of being the riegning "god", but it also shrinks the old tax base. And such was the dilemma facing the old tree worshiping, sun worshipers of Rome.

Enter Constantine and his "conversion". He declared the entire Roman empire as "Christian". No repentance needed, you just are one now. Of course, the true Believers saw right through this and said, basically, we're outta here. And the heathen? They didn't like the idea one bit either. They hated Jesus and his followers, so why would they want anything to do with them, even if it was only in name.


Think Caesar, think. What to do? Hmmmm.

Insert light bulb here.

Why not make the old pagan "holy days" Christian, thereby making everyone happy. And so they did. And from this we got "Christmas" in it's embryonic form. Of course it has been modified and adapted over the years to become what it is today, a highly commercialized, celebration of greed, covetousness, lust, drunkenness, and many other like sins.

When I hear the cry, "They're trying to take Christ out of Christmas", I want to scream,


Here is a link to an article that I would consider to be a good primer on the subject,

There's much more to add to this subject but I feel like I've covered the basics.

Happy Holidays!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Fact, the early Christians were not mamby pamby whimps. It takes guts to live by faith alone, as I have discovered, and back then, to tell the ptb to get knicked was suicide.

But what is more important, life eternal in the presence of Yahwey or a new big screen TV to watch Benny Hinn on? Sadly, too many "brethren" say they choose the first, but their actions say otherwise....


by Brother Gregory Williams
November 7, 2009

Does a modern Christian have a right to self defense? With every right there is a correlative responsibility. The ancient right to bear arms has been described in antiquity as the obligation to bear arms in defense of your community. In those ancient times if you would not arm yourself to defend your community you were often shunned if not run out of town all together.

Chuck Baldwin in and article published by quoted the statistic that “as of 2004, 50% of the adults in the United States own one or more firearms.” My first reaction was, why so few? As someone who once wore a badge and a gun to protect the property and lives of citizens I can testify that my biggest disappointment was the apathy and even cowardice of the people I was often expected to protect.

To refuse to come to the aid of others has been considered a crime and good Samaritan laws have prosecuted citizens who failed to assist and aid people in need of assistance or protection.

Yet, I have heard many people say they would not own a gun or they did not believe in guns. On further inquiry everyone of these purveyors of pseudo-pacifism confirmed that if someone was breaking into their house they would call the police, who will come with guns. The truth is they do believe in guns, but they are either to lazy, to cheap, to cowardly, or just to irresponsible to own one.

This article is one of the rare ones that get to the meat of the matter. I know that the Bible says, "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword." Got it. But popping some thug who has nothing but trouble on his mind is self defense, not "living by the sword." I don't advocate violence. Not at all. But, if some punk was threatening me or my family with bodily harm or worse, I would not hesitate to deal with him. The part that sucks is having to bury them somewhere in the back forty.

Here in Canada, owning a gun, or almost any form of self protection is agin da law. Unless you get a permit. Well, as the old gun rights bumper sticker says, only the crooks have guns.

I would say it is pointless to fight a drone with guided missiles with an old Mossberg pump shotgun. But the goons who will rape and pillage? I'd have more sympathy for the rat I killed yesterday.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Would you Die for Wal-Mart?

Check this link out.

It amazes me that we, meaning Canadians and Americans, still think we are a free people. We haven't been truly free for a very long time.

As a matter of fact, the ONLY freedom we can ever truly have is the Freedom in Christ that comes from being one of His born from above believers. All the rest is just an extension of that most basic freedom.

The Magna Charta, or Great Charter, was the foundation of Common Law, the law that gave us such things as "innocent until proven guilty" and "all men are equal before the law". It was the law of the British Empire since its inception in 1215 AD and, even though it was abused, it was the most fair and just form of law up until that time. It was abused and misinterpreted many times over, but the original intent was the basis for another ground breaking document, The American Constitution, and it's sister, The Bill of Rights. In no other time or place in history was there a law, of the people, for the people, and by the people. A "bottom up" form of governance, as opposed to the ubiquitous "top down" variety that has and still does, enslave people and make them, "subjects", with only the privileges that they are granted.

We have been happily deluded for so long now, that we get down right angry when someone tries to lead us to the truth. Ah well, I'm in good company anyway.

After you read the article in the link, ask yourself, would you give your life for Wal-Mart?

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Ok, so it's been awhile. But here's an amazing bunch of factoids.

If, after reading this, you still don't believe that the Bible is the inspired and only true Word of Yahwey, then I release you.

What is so important about the Numeric New Testament? The perfect divine
inspiration of the original Scriptures are scientifically obtainable through numerics. Let
me tell you a little of the awesome story.

Ivan Panin was forced to leave Russia during the
Bolshevik Revolution and come to the United States. He became a Harvard Scholar,
professor, and mathematician, who once tutored Albert Einstein. His training, devotion to
Christ and the Scriptures well-equipped him for his future work. Here he found his life’s
work in scientifically proving the divine inspiration of Scriptures. For fifty years, Dr. Panin
devoted twelve to eighteen hours a day to this work. The basis for his revelation, which
he called numerics, was the ancient Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament
Scriptures. The Hebrews and Greeks used their letters also for their numbers. In other
words, the whole Bible was actually written in numbers also. What Dr. Panin discovered
is that when he used the numbers, the 66 books of the Bible showed a pattern of numbers
and divisibility that no other writing had. He diligently researched other Hebrew and
Greek writings and found no pattern. This included the apocryphal books added in the
Catholic and other early Protestant Bibles, including the original King James Version
before its many revisions.

I have read Dr. Panin’s works for many years and am totally impressed that God
ordained him to bring us back to the original text. Below is a small sample of his volumes
of work from a pamphlet titled Astounding New Discoveries © 1941 by a disciple of his,
Karl G. Sabiers, M.A. The number seven is by far the most common number used in the
surface text of the Bible, used in Revelation alone more than fifty times, but it is also
common beneath the surface of the whole Bible.

In GENESIS CHAPTER ONE, VERSE ONE we read, “In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth.”

The number of Hebrew words in this verse is exactly seven.

The number of letters in the seven words is exactly twenty-eight, or four sevens.

The first three of these seven Hebrew words contain the subject and predicate of the
sentence. These three words are translated–“In the beginning God created.” The
number of letters in these first three Hebrew words is exactly fourteen, or two sevens.
The last four of these seven words contain the object of the sentence. These four words
are translated–“the heavens and the earth.” The number of letters in these last four
Hebrew words is fourteen, or two sevens.

These last four Hebrew words consist of two objects. The first is “the heavens,” and the
second is “and the earth.” The number of letters in the first object is exactly seven. The
number of letters in the second object is seven.

The three leading words in this verse of seven words are God–the subject –and heavens
and earth–the objects. The number of letters in these three Hebrew words is exactly
fourteen, or two sevens. The number of letters in the other four words of the verse is
fourteen, or two sevens.

The shortest word is in the middle. The number of letters in this word and the word to its
left is exactly seven.

The number of letters in the middle word and the word to its right is exactly seven.
These are only a few examples of the many amazing numeric facts, which have
been discovered in the structure of this first verse of only seven Hebrew words. Literally
dozens of other phenomenal numeric features strangely underlie the structure of this

Thus, according to the law of chances, for twenty-four features to occur in a
passage accidentally, there is only one chance in 191,581,231,380,566,414,401–only
one chance in one-hundred-ninety-one quintillion, five-hundred-eighty-one quadrillion,
two-hundred-thirty-one trillion, three-hundred-eighty-billion, five-hundred sixty-six million,
four-hundred-fourteen-thousand, four-hundred-one. (The nomenclature herein used is
the American, not the British.)

Many brief Bible passages have as many as seventy or one hundred or more
amazing numeric features in the very structure of their text. If there is only one chance in
quintillions that twenty-four features could occur together accidentally, what would the
chance be for seventy features to occur together accidentally?
When there is only one chance in thousands for something to happen accidentally,
it is already considered highly improbable that it will occur at all. When there is only one
chance in hundreds of thousands, it is considered practically impossible. But here there
is one chance in not only millions, but billions, and trillions, and quadrillions, and
quintillions, that merely twenty-four features could occur together in a passage

If that is not enough to convince any sane man, there are patterns of eight, eleven,
thirteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty-three, thirty-seven, forty-three, etc., on top of the
sevens throughout the Word. Larger patterns connect book to book, Old Testament to

New Testament and show the correct order of the books. What all this proves is that one
divine, brilliant mind wrote the Bible rather than thirty-three simple men, with relatively no
schooling, who lived in different countries over a span of 1,600 years. If men wrote the
Bible, they would have all had to live at the same time and place and all been
mathematical geniuses. Then they would have each had to write their book last with the
knowledge of the numeric pattern in all the other books. Men have tried to write a simple
numeric text with very few features and failed miserably.

The Hebrews had extremely stringent rules for the scribes to follow in copying the ancient
manuscripts. God did this through them in order to preserve this pattern of perfection in
the Scriptures that we might have the “God-breathed” Word of God. If a Greek or Hebrew
letter is added, removed, or changed, the pattern breaks in that text. The main problem
today in publishing Bibles is deciding which manuscript to use. It makes common sense
to use only ancient manuscripts, which were close to the original with less likelihood of
human mistake. Using a copy of a copy of a copy, etc. makes no sense, and yet, because
of prejudices or lack of availability of ancient manuscripts, some have published Bibles
from these. Needless to say, the ancient manuscripts proved to be much more numeric.
What God has done through numerics is to give us a method by which we can find out
which manuscript is right and where each one is right or wrong. Then of course Ivan used
only the numeric texts for an original copy. Numerics has made searching multiple
translations obsolete. It also makes it possible to find out which translation is the most
accurate. In comparing the Bibles up through the early 1900s, Dr. Panin rated the
American Revised Version in English, now called the American Standard Version
(, to be the most accurate. However, his Numeric New Testament exceeds
that because there are no disputed references of slight differences in ancient manuscripts
since Numerics proves every text to the letter.

Publisher’s Note: The reader will notice a few rare occasions where verses are skipped. This is in keeping with Dr. Panin’s original work. Over time, men have added verses that do not have a numeric pattern and are not a part of the original Greek.

Important Note: Dr. Ivan Panin’s original work has not been changed except for a few
typographical errors and a few select words where the spelling was modernized and
standardized. This upgraded only the spelling and did not change the numeric Greek
pattern behind it. Since few know the value of the numeric blank spaces sometimes found
between chapters and verses, which are explained in Paper I, they have been left out in
favor of readability, easier typesetting, and lower printing costs. These can be found in the
original NENT. A very few Notes were left out because they had already been
incorporated into the text of the Second Edition making them unnecessary. Dr. Panin's
numeric materials may be found on our website at
Your servants at UBM

Hey? Hey?! Is that not amazing? And that's just one example! The entire Bible, both old and Most importantly, the New Testament, is one giant numbers game! No other writing on earth has this! None!

I believed in God by faith many years ago and He just keeps rewarding my trust with evidences like this. To not believe in Jesus Christ after reading his stuff is just pure satanic rebellion at this point, and unless you repent of your sin and change you ways, there's not much hope for you. I'm so sorry for anyone who could reject the only hope we have in this world.

May God richly bless you, Hidden Mountain

Friday, October 16, 2009

A history lesson

It was a conundrum. A situation for which the law was not going to work as intended, at least not for the general public anyway.

A little more than 100 years ago, the Motor Truck was invented. It was a noisy, smelly beast that scared the horses and upset the ladies. But it moved goods, cheaply and efficiently. As farmers started to realize the great advantage of these machines, they bought them. But, in between seed time and harvest, they sat parked. More than one enterprising young lad borrowed the family truck and moved goods for others during these times. Some even went into full time trucking, leaving the farm for "greener pastures", so to speak. It was a great opportunity, a service was needed and it was provided. United Parcel Service was started in just this way. The young entrepreneur took the family truck to the train station and moved peoples luggage. That was the humble birth of the biggest transportation company in the world!

It was all smooth sailing until...

It seems that using public roads for private gain was not sitting too well with some folks. Those machines were destroying the roads and doing it for free! The owner/operators were gaining from the labor of the community at large without paying anything in return. It was a public outrage! Legislators were contacted and told of this "legal loophole" and their constituents demanded that they "do something". These "monsters" had to be banned. Of course, the railroads would have loved that! But it was the golden age of the industrial revolution, industry had become dependent on the truck's generally reliable, cheap services. The boost in productivity was substantial, and, just like today, not everyone has the luxury of having a rail siding at their backdoor. To top it all off, there was a constitutional edict stating that it was illegal to use public property for private gain.

This was a serious problem!

Many ideas were bandied about, but one idea seamed to be the answer, licensing the trucks and their drivers. Essentially, what was proposed was that an admission of guilt for the crime of public trespassing was required. Then, the person or persons in question would be automatically found guilty of said trespass. They would be convicted of this "crime" and sentenced. Their sentence? They were to be released on there own recognizance and had to report "regularly" for inspection. Their "convict number" would be used as an identifying number and they would then be free to do business, a long as the obeyed the conditions specified on their "licenses". Their convict number became their drivers license number!

This, boys and girls, is how the "drivers license" came into being. It seemed like a good idea at the time anyway.....

Now let me ask you, do you engage in the transportation of others goods for profit on "Her Majesties Highways"? If you are "going to or from the market to do trade" that is altogether different and has always been quite legal. If you are using your motor vehicle, of any size, for personal use only, then you are exempted as well. But try to do it without a "convict number" and see how far you get.

But wait a minute, you aren't a convict, are you?

Tell me, what rights do convicts have?


They get "privileges".

Have you ever heard that "driving is a privilege, not a right"? Well, they were wrong. Did you know that you can get on a horse and ride it anywhere you want without any kind of license or training? There are no license plate brackets on horses the last time I checked. (I had better not give them any ideas!)

This brings me to something I just read tonight. In the US of A, where communism seems to be literally taking over, they are proposing that, when the health care bill passes, you will be able to get your health care "legalities" taken care of at your local Dept. of Motor Vehicles office!

Hello? Did you get that? In my way of thinking, they are making you, the convict, get their "permission" to be healthy!!! Now I may be stretching things a bit here, but stop and think about it. If they can turn something as simple as movement, ie: driving, into a "privilege", then why not your health?

This is just another of the myriad of frightening and dangerous "laws" that the powers that be are seeking to shackle us with.

As a Believer in Yeshua Messiah, aka Jesus the Christ, I struggle with these things. He told me in His Word that He would lead me into "ALL TRUTH", and boy, has He. The curtain has been lifted and laid bare. I can see right through the lies and deceptions that have we have all been hypnotized into believing as the "way it is". From the usury system that we call "money", to property taxes that prove we are slaves to the government, I have been given the ability to see right through it all. The question is, since Jesus told us to "submit unto the authorities", and to "do good to those who despitefully use you", how far do we let this go? I mean, some say that if we do nothing at all, it will hasten the return of Jesus, since the wickedness will grow exponentially and He'll "have to" come back and sort it all out.

Well , what about the scriptures that instruct us to stand up for truth and righteousness. To defend widows and orphans. To defend the helpless and feed the poor, to love our neighbors as ourselves!

Which is it?

Go see the movie "Amazing Grace". It's about one Christian man, William Wilberforce, who single handedly abolished slavery in the British Commonwealth. Why? Because it was the right thing to do!

Read about Haralaan Popov, Richard Wurmbrand, or the millions of others who have been martyred for they're faith and belief in Yeshua Messiah. They didn't sign their "confessions". That was against the law though! They were rebels! They were convicts! They were not conforming to the world or it's ways and they were tortured and killed for it!

These truly are the last days. We are about to enter into the most terrifying time in our planet's existence.

Are you ready?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Too crazy for the Christians.....

Too Christian for the crazies...

What a flippin conundrum.

Do you really know what The Grace Of God is?

Do you understand that being in a personal relationship with Yahovey, aka God, is NOT a religion?

Do you think you have to dress a certain way in order to be "one of us"?

Do you follow the Word of God or the "party line"?

It's strange to be free in Messiah. I mean, he took me from my delusional ambition to be a millionaire, complete with short hair and kakhi shorts, too being a long haired big bearded "pioneer of the land".

Before moving out here to TMON, (my new acronym for The Middle Of Nowhere), I was becoming thee stereo-typical Bible totin Jesus lovin jerk. I thought I knew all there was to know about it. I went to the Christian restaurants. I was surrounded by Christians, nary a heathen among em. I "did church" Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night and Bible studies on Thursday nights. My "Home group" met on Tuesday nights and Saturday morning was the men's prayer breakfast.

To those of the "street crowd" variety, I was a target for hate and derision. Street evangelism wasn't even on my screen. I knew that I had come from the bottom and wanted to stay as far away from it as possible.

I was, in short, a jerk. A very clean cut jerk.

But then God.....

I really was sincere in my desire to get to know the Lord better. I had been hearing lots about Him and all, but it just wasn't there, ya know? I had decided that once the ship came in, I was going to Bible College, to find out what the Book really said.

Well, it's amazing just how fast a house of cards can come tumbling down. My dreams of financial security went "poof", just like that. The goose that was laying Golden Eggs left the country, taking many folks investment funds with him. I heard he's living like a king in Manilla, but frankly, who cares.

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." It's NOT the other way around if you're serious about getting to know the big guy! He will not take a back seat! As a matter of fact, He really hates that "God is my co-pilot" bumper sticker! He's the freekin PILOT, let Him fly the thing!

Ok, so enough about that.

There I was, suddenly on the street. When you have a $5000 per month nut to crack and no income, the trip to the sidewalk is swift. That's when I found myself totally having to rely on God, for real, no faking it this time. I found myself living in my pup tent on the back forty of the land I'm still on now. I had a Bible, a sleeping bag and all of my stuff that I could fit into 30 gallon barrels. It was kind of like going camping only there was no return date. I had a few dollars but that was used up pretty quickly and I had no choice but to trust God to provide. On the side of a mountain. In the woods. 25 kms from the nearest town. With winter fast approaching.

Funny thing about hair, it just keeps coming out of my face and scalp. I have some strong genes or something because it grows incredibly fast and thick. I was also thrown into "fellowship" with some "unconventional" folks. Christians, sort of. Smoking tobacco and "the other stuff" was commonplace. As a matter of fact, I held out for six months before succumbing to the temptation. Yep, I said temptation... But the amazing thing was, God was providing for me. I never once went without a meal that I needed. I always had a warm dry place to sleep. I was spending hours every day reading and studying Gods Word, with signs and wonders following. Not to mention the tests! One such test was getting a little thing called Osteo Osteoma. Basically, it was a tumor growing just above my right knee, on the bone. It hurt, alot. I like to think of myself as tough, not much can make me knuckle under and give up, but this thing was something else. I prayed like crazy for it to be removed but it just got worse. I knew God was there, His provision for all the basics was always covered, but for reasons only He knew, He let that dang tumor get the best of me!

It's a long walk to town on two good legs, try it on one that hurts so bad that you have to tie a tourniquet around it to numb it enough to walk, for 25 km's. Then having to hitch-hike another 150 or so miles to where I might be able to find a doctor to look at this thing.

I made it by the grace of God, and ended up at an old couples house, folks I knew from my previous life, and they let me sleep in their spare room and made an appointment for me to see their doctor the next day. Did I mention that the hair was exploding from my head? And that working really hard without running water can leave one a little ripe? My jeans were held together with duct tape, I had a big old leather hat on, a scarf tied around my leg, and a black leather jacket. Buddy, I wouldn't have picked me up!

The experience at the doctor was a real wake up though. I guess I didn't look like a "christian" anymore, even though I had never been so alive in all of my life. Long story short, he figured I was just trying to get free drugs off of him and basically showed me out of his office.

It was a few days later that the Lord led me to another doctor, this one actually believed me. He ordered some x-rays so I had to hang around town for a few days. While I was there, the Lord led me downtown. Step drag, step drag, step drag, all while looking like a total freak. It was great! The street folks accepted me right away, after all, I was "one of them". At least on the outside anyway. You've heard of wolves in sheep's clothing? I was a sheep in wolves clothing, haha. I could get right in tight with someone, bum a smoke or give them a light, whatever, then BOOM! Do you know Jesus? Ha ha ha, man they either ran or dropped to their knees right there. Ok, some wanted to fight but there is power in the name above all names and guess what? It works! I have seen demons flee, the devil cower and souls saved. All because I had spent a little time with God and was "walkin the walk, not just talkin the talk".

Then it happened, I bumped into a brother I knew from church. Of course I recognized him right away, he hadn't changed a bit, but he had to focus real hard to recognize me. And when he finally realized it was me under all of that hair and stuff, he was suddenly very awkward. He didn't know what to say. All I could do was tell him about how cool it was to be so intimate with God and how He was using me and blessing me in ways I never could have dreamed of. I was excited about my new relationship with Jesus and wanted to tell him how he could have a deeper more exciting relationship with Him too, all he ha to do was "let go an let God". For some reason, he didn't seem too thrilled. He said nice to see you again and couldn't get away from me fast enough. I felt so sorry for him. Unfortunately, this has been a bit of a pattern for me. There are a few of my old brothers and sisters who don't judge me based on my appearance, and God bless them. But there are a few who want nothing to do with me now. I'm a "backslider" you see.

Well then there's the other side of the coin. I know lots of people now who are not only not believers, they are either into "alternative modalities" or are just plain atheists. They see me coming and then cringe because I'm a "Jesus freak". Not all mind you, but most of them.

It comes with the territory. When Yeshua lives inside of you, the folks you come in contact with will react to you the same way they would react to Him, love Him or hate Him. This little thing called conviction comes upon them and they get really uncomfortable around you but they don't know why. I had one guy tell me he really liked me but that he couldn't stand to be around me too long. When I tried to explain that it wasn't me he was having a problem with but Jesus in me, he flatly refused to believe it, confirming for me that he was indeed under conviction of sin. Oh well. Lord, there's another one, bless him and bring him home.

So that's my blog for today. If anyone is actually reading these things, forgive me for being so sporadic in my posts. This thing called life keeps happening and it keeps taking all of my time.

May God bless you and keep you,

Peace out, boom shaka laka.....

Friday, September 25, 2009

Come on, you know you love it...

This was my favorite tune when I was a puppy. I would dance like crazy to it.

The Snoopy dance, of course.

Bring lotsa rope....

This New World Order stuff is just getting stupid.

I mean, how much longer is it going to be before Joe and Betty Schmuck are going to start shooting?

DISCLAIMER!!! I in NO WAY advocate the use of violence. I believe in the Golden Rule, Love your neighbor as yourself. I love absolutely everybody, not a hateful bone in my body!

As I was watching some video footage of the protesters in Pittsburg PA being whisked away by "someone" in uniform, as people were shouting at them"what are you doing? He didn't do anything wrong. etc.", I was struck by how civilized the protesters really were. I didn't see a long rifle or a canon in the hands of the protesters. However, I did see lots of cool ordnance in the police's and military's hands.

So all of this talk of societal breakdown, anarchy, and the like, is it just a bunch of hot air? I would have thought that there would have been some good old public lynchings by now. I mean, how many politicians dangling from trees would it take?

In war, it's kill or be killed. It's not a wimpy, whiny, crying girl asking "what are you doing?" The guns, swords, and bombs come out! Believe me, I don't want to see this happen but where are the patriots? From what I've read, I would expect them to be marching down the streets with pitch forks and muskets by now. But nothing.

I guess folks just don't realize exactly what's happening yet. They're glued to there TV's and believing that everything is just hunky dory. I know that I can't even broach this subject with 95% of the people I know, for fear that they'd think I was nuts. If ignorance is bliss, why are all of them so depressed?

Ok, Bible lesson time.

Gather round boys and girls.

The Word of God is quite plain about it. These are the days spoken of by Yeshua and the prophets. The summation of all things is at hand. Wars and rumors of wars, and all of that.

I suppose that if one is completely ignorant of what is really going on right now, ones blood pressure is probably quite low. But the Word says that mens hearts will fail them for fear! That must be the ones who are paying attention. Go check out the sites, there is no shortage of fear being peddled on them! They tell of the horrors and woes coming upon the earth, but their only solutions are to eat healthy and hum loudly to make it all go away. I suppose they're the ones whose tickers will pop, since they see the problem but reject the only solution, Jesus Christ and His gift of salvation.

I love an obscure little passage in the Book of Psalms. Psalm 31:24 says, "Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord."

Beautiful. That about sums it up. It's this fear of death thing that gets us in trouble. If you have no idea where you're going when you die you may be a tad reluctant to go there. But go there you must, so all of the chanting in Latin, yoga and meditation on nothingness can't stop it. As a matter of fact, it will probably hasten it to your temple!

Most folks have rejected the gift of life, I don't see that trend changing any time soon, but there is always a remnant who will accept it and find true peace. Not as the world gives it but as Jesus, aka, Yeshua gives it.

Are you one of the few?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Agent provocateurs in YAHHOVEYS' family?

Here is a perfect example of this new "tribes of Israel movement".This is a conversation I had on facebook recently...(this is the first conversation I ever had with this brother)...he asked to be my friend and a few days later sent me this message. I am deeply saddened by this and offer this as a "heads-up" to those who don't see the race war satan is creating among the FAMILY OF YAH.Just when we need to be sharpening our swords (of the HOLY SPIRIT) for the greatest spiritual battle of all time...a skirmish in the camp...

Christopher Miles
September 15 at 5:56am
Curious, what is your nationality like what race is your father and what is his background? Please reply

Mishel Yisrael September 15 at 1:20pm

Christopher Miles September 15 at 2:50pm
Understood however, what's your father's nationality? ....... Curious

Christopher Miles September 15 at 3:00pm

Your father heritage goes back to what? What's his lineage? You never really answered my question from earlier.

Dr. C. Miles

Mishel Yisrael September 16 at 10:14pm
This is Mishel's husband. May I please ask who you are and where you are writing from?

It seems like a rather personal question to ask someone who you don't even know.

For your information, my Father is Yahwey Elohim, AKA GOD, Her's is too.

Christopher Miles September 17 at 3:03am
My name is Dr. Chris Miles, I am a servent of the Most High in Christ YHWH. I am a covenant keeping Israelite from the tribe of Judah. Who doesn't run off or out when someone ask me a question about my nationality. I am able to diolog and substantiate that I am Israel, "aint no if in buts about it!! My grandparents were slaves. If your wife (Mishel) is truly Israel why does everything seems so personal now? (read Proverb 28:1) All this was were supposedly two Israelites having conversation dialogging about heritage. Now, you all have tripped, because I ask a certain question about nationality Hubby is involve. Wow, could it be that Mishel is NOT Israel? She doesn't look Israel. (read Ish 29:22) I don't see what the problem is. My point being only Negros, Hispanics & N. Indians have the promise to the Kingdom. The indication is Mishel lineage is outside the 12 Tribes of Israel and if your (Hubby) fathers lineage don't go back to one of ones mention you are also disqualified.

I simplely ask (Mishel) her a simple question. What nationality was/is her father? What is his lineage? She replied "mixed" which means she never answered my question that is why I wrote back! I don't see the problem; if she is Israel. I dialog with many Israelites from different background but their lineage goes back to the so call Negro, Hispanic or Native American. You may be able to run game on some but you cannot run game on The Most High in Christ, he know who and what you are. But, all the while, I want you know, I read Mishel spirit she is NOT Israel and I figured that this conversation would problem go the way it did! By the way I know that the Most High in Christ is our heavenly Father he created the Heavens and earth and everything in it however I wasn't asking about him I was asking about Mishel earthly father.......could it be her earthly father lineage goes back to Esau which makes her an Edomite? For whatever reason I figured it all out!!! The wicked flee when no man pursueth: which mean you all just ran off you are NOT Israel and this is NOT a game. Don't even worry about replying and please drop me as your friend.
Dr. Miles

Mishel Yisrael September 17 at 1:24pm

Dr. Miles
my earthly father was mixed...his mother white, his father black.
my roots are spirit and they run to a stream of living water from my MESSIACH YAHUSHUAH .
ha shatan took pride in the flesh.
i pray that my dark skinned friends and relatives are not deceived by pride of lineage...which is something none of us choose.
when the summer sun is upon my skin and it is dark...i will not look down upon the martyrs whos skin never touches the sunshine because they are locked in prisons for the love of the truth and the living ELOHA( like many in the FAMILY OF YAH in China)
i worked as a nurse and majored in comparative religion in college....curious....why do you put Dr. in front of your name?
my name has been Yisrael long before this "tribes of israel movement" ( which by the way is a agent provocateur deception designed by kazarian mohabite "so-called" provide cannon fodder for the upcoming armagedion and false messiah they are creating for the nation if israel).
my husband has been to israel and has experienced first hand the racism , especially toward "black folk".
there , now you know and i am no longer responsible , you can choose to be duped by false pride of the flesh or you can choose the TRUE LOVE OF YAH
(the following video was included in the original letter I sent back to Dr.Miles. I love this singer and post him to places whenever possible)

All I was asking for your nationality. Esau is always trying to decieve. I put Dr., in front of my name because that what I am. I really don't give a damn about the title it means nothing! It's just something Esau requires me to use for my profession. By the way my name is Ahrayah Dawadah. I know racism first hand I don't have to go to Israel I'm from Alabama. The White man is the Devil and scripture proves it!

So if the "white man" is the would seem there is a huge incentive to "remove him from the planet"...does this sound anything like radical Islam to you? This is not an isolated event but a huge movement in "the church"..most light skinned folks are quite unaware of the violence just under the surface...these issues deeply effect all people( my son, who looks "white" engaged to a girl whos skin is "dark") This will effect all of us, especially if troops hit the streets to "curb" the violence. Just when we were coming outa the dark ages of racisim and there was a color blind generation , the human race is hit with this !And in the name of YAH! No wonder the bankers and elitists behind the new world order want to separate the "christians and "jews"" with this deceitful lie. It will be increasingly easy for the powers that be to say look at these stupid believers in "god" and see how they fight amongst each other...we must rid the planet of them! This is not the way of MESSIAH YAHUSHUA.
JOHN 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold:them also I must bring and they shall hear my voice: and there shall be

Friday, September 11, 2009

Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't....

But whatever he is, he wrote a great tune.......

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Law and Grace

"....and Jesus said, Think not that I came to abolish the law, but rather I came that the Law might be fulfilled......"

OK, here's a primer for you.

On their website, , Todd Friel and the gang have a unique but effective way of sharing the Good News. They call it Law/Grace.

For the initiated among us, that is to say Believers in The Way, this sounds like an oxymoron. If we're saved by grace then what the heck does the law have to do with anything?

It's really quite simple. When we know the condition we're in when we look at ourselves under the microscope of the Law, then we can see clearly our need to be Born from Above in order to be under Grace.

It goes like this:

Have you always kept the Ten Comandments? I mean every one, ALWAYS!

Have you always loved the Lord, without reservation or hesitation?

Have you ever stolen anything? Even a paperclip or some other equally benign object?

Have you ever told a lie?

Have you ever been jealous of someone and coveted their stuff?

Have you ever looked at a member of the opposite sex and lusted after them?

Have you ever hated someone?

You get the picture.

The Word of God says that if you have broken even one of these laws, once, you are guilty of them all and deserve to be cast in to Hellfire for all eternity! I know, I know, God is a big meanie for making it soooo hard on us.

But wait, there's more!

Why did Yeshua, aka Jesus, have to come and do all those really nice things then be killed by the bad guys?

Answer, to deliver us from the penalty of breaking all of those Laws! That's the Gospel, the Good News!

"He, who knew no sin, became sin for us, taking that sin and nailing it to the Cross, thereby justifying all who would hereafter believe upon Him and His sacrifice."

People have asked me, "How can you possibly believe in the Bible, after all it was just written by men?"

My answer. If it was just written by men, they must have had some kind of amazing way of communicating because the Bible was written by 40 different authors, over a period of 1500 years, and it tells the exact same story from beginning to end. Very few of those authors knew each other, or even lived at the same time or place. They ranged from kings to farmers, from prophets to whoremongers. The truth is, the Bible was written by men, yes, men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit, who spoke through them, instructing them and guiding them to produce the Holy Scriptures.

Another Question I have heard is, "Why do you have faith in something you can't even see?"

My answer. Why do you have to see the wind in order to believe in it? The fact is, my faith in God has grown exponentially since I became a Believer. It's now Experience! I have seen miracles, in my own life and in the lives of others. I've witnessed so many miracles that I can't even remember them all! From having feasts prepared in the wilderness, to being healed of sicknesses, to little things like having a part for my truck appear from seemingly nowhere when there was no other way it could have been there, I have experienced the mighty Hand of God so many times that to doubt Him or question His ability would just be, frankly, stupid.

The trouble is, we are a rebellious and sinful bunch, we want it our way, and we hate the idea that we are under some kind of ever watchful eye. We hate the idea of being judged, yet we judge others. What if the One who judges us loves us? What if He made a way of escape? What if we could just have a simple, easy way to by-pass the judgment we deserve?

Well there is a way. His name is Yeshua Messiah, aka Jesus Christ, and all we have to do is admit that we are sinners, believe in Him and what He did for us, and repent of our sin. That's it.

No religion. No rituals.

Please, consider these words and come to the One who can not only save you from Hell but who can bless you in so many ways that you will never be the same again.....

Sunday, September 6, 2009

And now for something completely different.......


ahem, that was not me that said that.

If I had been a brain-ee-ack type of person instead of a lunk headed space-case in my youth, I probably would have been on the intellectuals oh so politically correct bandwagon too.

But God.......

There seems to be some kind of societal disconnect where people expect the stuff they want to be at the store, NOW, but then they give the finger to the truck driver who is battling through traffic, weather and lousy drivers just to get the stuff to the store.

As one who performs this task fairly regularly, I can tell you that there is a huge segment of the population that just doesn't put it together. I once delivered a load of groceries to a grocery store and since it was my last stop of the evening, I decided to do some shopping there. As I was standing in the check out line, a woman was bitterly complaining about the "big monster" that forced her to back up so it could turn. Realizing that it was me who was driving said monster, I politely offered that the groceries she was buying had more than likely come from that very same truck. She glared at me and said NO! I was amazed at her stupidity. I tried to be civil with her and reasoned that the groceries got to the store somehow, it must have been in one of those "monsters" she so obviously hated. She refused to talk to me, turning away and only looking at me with pure hatred in her eyes. I was crushed and perplexed, not able to understand how someone could be so blind to the obvious truth. To paraphrase the words of Jesus, with apologies to Yahwey in advance, "Even if they saw the trailer being unloaded, they still wouldn't believe".

I came up with a great line to use in defense of the trucking industry,

If you don't like big trucks BOYCOTT THEM!!! That'll teach 'em.

Just remember that ambulances and hearses are trucks too, albeit smaller ones. But hey, if your going to do this boycott thing, why stop at the "monsters".

Monsters. For cryin out loud.

Cui bono? Who profits? For some unknown reason, at least to me anyway, the media likes to portray big rigs as monsters. Why? Who's going to benefit from the unnecessary fear that is created? Who could possibly gain from it?

Lawyers, that's who. And an entire bureaucracy of "safety enforcement personnel".

Here's some facts for ya. Heavy trucks make up less than 3% of all of the vehicles on the road. Of that 3%, less than half are tractor trailer type rigs. Most are in town trucks, garbage trucks, utility trucks and the like. Most accidents "involving" big rigs are caused by the car driver, fully 75% on average. The number on accidents that are directly attributed to equipment failures on these big trucks is less than 2%.

OK, let's do some figurin here.

Since there are almost no accidents caused by equipment failures and less than 3% of the vehicles on the road are big trucks, and given that the few accident "involving" big trucks are the truck drivers fault, who benefits from the lie that they are "killer trucks". It's certainly not the general motoring public. The police? Not really because they only enforce the rules. There may be a few extra cops with jobs because of it but its not much.

It's always baffled me. The feminists maybe? They hate the trucking industry because, for the most part, the truck driver is the last un-feminized male out there. We are not big on the gay thing either, in spite of rumors to the contrary. We represent the neanderthals to the PC crowd. Big, burly, all male, testosterone driven dolts who refuse the New World Order agenda.

How about weasley little bow tie wearing government employee's? Maybe they secretly hate us for the same reasons as the lesbia.... oops, I mean feminists. We didn't wimp out. We take control of 70 ton machines and drive all night through all kinds of weather, just to bring home the bacon for mom and the kids. We don't do well in an office environment, I know I don't, and therefore we don't put up with the petty office politics.

Do you think it's a simple job? Maybe for the few "wheel holders" it is. But for the man who owns his own riggin', it's an office on wheels. It's a business first and foremost, with the labor provided by the manager!

Grrrr, now I'm getting wound up here. I'll be off now, out on to the highways of this land to bring the ungrateful their stuff.

Ta ta, drive safe, and happy trails.....

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Shalom! Now get out!

And now, the real Israel.......

Um, excuse me, can you tell me how these are God's Chosen again? I just don't see it.....

Jesus arrested for hate speach

Well, it had to happen. He crossed the line. He called them "a brood of vipers", and they didn't like that.

Check this out.......

Why, dear gentle Christian, are we so ignorant and willingly blind to the fact that over 100 million Christians have already been murdered during the last 100 years? We seem to think "it can't happen here". Guess what buttercup, It can and it will happen here. Our pew warming butts are going to be spanked, big time.

About ten years ago, I read a small book called Tortured for his faith, by Haralaan Popov, a Christian pastor who was imprisoned and systematically tortured by the communists in Bulgaria during the 1950's and 60's. He spent a total of 14 years in their prison system and his tale was a hair raising, eye opener. I asked Yah, "why did you want me to read this?" His answer? "Because this is coming to Canada and the USA, soon."

So much for Joel Osteen and his ilk telling us that God wants us rich!

We, the North American Christians, actually deserve this. We are the true "frozen chosen". From our infighting to our pious judgments, from our country club churchianity to our luke warmness, we have been askin for it. Yes, there are lots of sincere believers out there who don't deserve this. I'm sure it was the same in Russia during the Bolshevik revolution and it's still that way in North Korea today, but the fact is, "they" hate us more than ever and their "father" is making his last ditch effort to silence the Church before he is dispatched to the Lake of Fire.

But here's the good news. We WIN! You can lop off my head but you can't have my soul. My eternal destiny is sealed by the Blood of The Lamb.

If you don't know Yeshua Messiah as your Lord and Saviour, now is the acceptable time, today is the day of salvation. The Biblical way is to Repent and be baptized, every one of you, for the remission of sin. Watch out for the wolves in sheep's clothing, they are everywhere, and they love to represent Christians. Their day of judgment is fast approaching and they will not like the verdict.

The enemy is not the Jews, its not the communists, it's not the politicians. Our enemy is Satan, the god of this world, who has already been defeated and who is already judged and condemned.

My prayer is that we do not loose heart as the persecutions of the Tribulation unfold.

May the God of all Peace keep you in perfect Peace, In Christ Jesus the Lord, Amen....

Monday, August 31, 2009

3000 miles later......

Ok, I'm back.

That dang work, it keeps getting in the way of my leisure time.

Now where were we? Oh yeah, those wonderful Zionists.

As you can see in the picture above, even some Jews don't like the Zionists!

To see them marching through the streets of New York, protesting the "war" in Gaza, says more to me than I can say.

It's time for our lesson. Did you know that the Torah is not the same as the Talmud? Not even close.

The Torah is what we believers in the Word of God call the Old Testament. The Talmud has the first five books, The Pentateuch, but after that it's a collection of satanically inspired, anti-God, perverted and just plain nasty writings. It is NOT the Word of Yahovey! There are plenty of resources on the web to study the true history of the Talmud, so I won't bore you with the details here, but suffice it to say, It was the book that the Pharisees and Saducees used to bring their accusations against Yeshua. It was also why they didn't recognize Him, He simply isn't in the Talmud!

Another thing that really gets me angry is the continuous use of the phrase "Judeo-Christian" when referring to our Christian Heritage. I'm sorry but no, the Jews had nothing to do with the founding of Western Civilization. They were the first converts to be sure, but the unconverted Jews were nothing but a thorn in the side of the young church. Read about Paul's experiences with them as he travelled around. They were trying to have him killed! Do you think that they just sort of stopped and gave up? To this day, they are waiting for their Messiah. At least the 5% or so who actually believe in God.

This sort of writing is considered "anti-semetic". I can be punished for "hate".

Well, for the record, I don't hate a single person on this planet, or any other planet, and I am truly hoping for the Lord of glory to save each and every soul. I pray for the Jews, the Zionists, the atheists, the heathen, to receive the gift of Salvation that is available to them through Yeshua Messiah, Jesus Christ.

I was raised by unbelievers who had dabbled in the occult and had no use whatsoever for God. When I was at the lowest point in my life, I cried out, "Hey God, if you're real SHOW ME!" And boy did He! I can honestly say that you don't clean a fish before you catch it, and He caught me while I was a drunken, drugged, stressed out sinner....THEN He began the cleaning process. And I'm still "in process".

So, what about the Zionists?

For one thing, they hate the Goyim. (that's us) Their "Holy book" tells them that we are no better than cattle, to be used and then discarded. They see us as "useless eaters", taking their precious resources. Look at what is happening to the USA right now. The lie is is that B Hussein Obama is anti-semetic. If that's the case then why are almost all of his "czars" Jewish? Why are they hell bent on destroying the freedoms that were paid for with the blood of the patriots?

Did you know that almost all of the leaders of the Communist Revolution in Russia were Jews? Did you know that Idi Amin, the cannibal Dictator of Uganda was installed by the Zionists? Did you know that Most of the Zionists aren't even of Jewish bloodlines?
Did you know that the Sepharadim, or true blood Jews, are treated like crap in Israel?
Did you know that almost all of the "Jews" in Israel are atheists?

Why do we beleive the lies? Why do we defend Israel? In Genesis Abram was told that whoever blesses you will be blessed and whoever curses you will be cursed. How do we get bless Israel from that? They rejected the Messiah 2000 years ago, and just like Yeshau promised, they were rejected by God. Did the Romans destroy the Temple or not? Did they kick the Jews out of Palestine or not?

We have such a short time left. The forces of darkness are pushing ahead with everything they've got. But you know what?

THEY LOOSE!!! I read the back of The Book, and the meek truly do inherit the Earth! Yeshua is coming soon. Some say within the next decade. Me? I say He's coming back and no man knows the day or the hour. Just be ready and watch unto prayer.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cuz it's a great big stupid world......

And we're gettin kinda queezy as it churns around....

So goes the Christian pop song from the late Eighties by someone who's name escapes me at the moment.

The Lord of ALL Truth, aka Jesus Christ, or for the purists among us, Yeshua Messiah, (same thing anyway) has been leading me on quite a journey of knowledge since I came to know Him personally. He said He is "The Way, The Truth and The Life and that no man comes to the Father except through Him". Well this trip into the truth has been rather interesting, to say the least!

One of the first things I recall discovering was that Christians seem to be the most resistant to learning the Truth! They got saved, got the basic dogmas and stuck their fingers in their ears and hummed loudly. ( I literally witnessed this ) Well it says in Second Thessalonians 2: 10, "...they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved".

Of course there is the debate about "once save always saved" and "salvation, use it or loose it". That is not the point here, and I don't think I'm taking the Word out of context when I say that the Love of the Truth is a major factor in ones salvation. (Notice I didn't say Thee Factor!) If it wasn't important to hunger and yearn for Truth, then why did Paul put that in there? I will say this though, when I was lost and devoid of understanding, I did have a need to know the truth and that yearning brought me to the foot of the Cross, where I received the forgiveness of my sins and began the amazing journey of knowing God, sorry purists, Elohim personally. He has taken a total fool and transformed me into a not so total fool! The wisdom part is slowly forming but that may take a while yet.

Well, all this leads me to my subject today. It's one that gets folks imprisoned, tortured and killed to this day.

That is the subject of Zionism.

There is a scripture in the Old Testament that says, "I will bless those who bless you, but the one who treats you lightly I must curse, and all the families of the earth will bless one another by your name.” Genesis 12: 3 The Christian Zionists have taken that mean, "If we are really, really nice to the nation of Israel God will be really, really nice to us." It's to the point where if you even question this dogma you will be ostracized at least or disfellowshipped from some churches. The Southern Baptists have really run with this one.

Excuse me?

Who was Yahwey talking about back there? It wasn't the Jews OR Israel because they didn't even exist yet. he was talking to Abram, soon to be Abraham, the Father of Many Nations! Abram was still in his old haunts! He was just beginning to get the promises from Yahwey. How we get "Bless the Zionists" from that is beyond me. I was in Israel in 1996. I ran where Jesus walked and took a bus in between. When I was at the Wailing Wall, wearing my hat, I said a simple prayer. I said, "Lord, these people around me here are praying to some old rocks trying to find You, but I have You here in my heart. I love you and know that You are with me always, so I pray for these people to know you as I and millions of others have and do, personally through Yeshua Messiah." Or something like that. It was an epiphany moment. He said to me, "Son, they have rejected Me and My Son, therefore my curse is upon them. Be not a partaker in their sins!" Buddy, I was floored. I had come all that way and spent all that money to find that out! Dang,I shoulda went to Cancun! Oh well, I probably wouldn't have gained the big revelation on a sandy beach that I did there.

It was from that point on that I saw the whole Christian picture in a little bitty different light.

Of course, when I tried to share my new found revelation with my fellow believers, I was told that my thinking was blasphemy and that I should repent and turn from my wicked ways.

Wait a minute here. Aren't WE the New Israel? The Promised SEED of ABRAHAM? His "MANY SONS"? Why did Yah send His only begotten Son to die for all of mankind's sins if one little group can just sort of slide through without repentance and absolution of their sin?

Read the Old Testament! It is the sad story of a race of people that God took from the dust, brushed off, cleaned up, blessed and blessed some more, who ultimately told Him to get nicked, we don't need You. God even went so far as to refer to His Chosen Ones as old whores who pay others for their services! Read Ezekiel 20 and the whole book of Hosea.

I'm sorry if this causes your paradigm to shift. We need to read The Word of God, all of it, to see what it REALLY SAYS! The pulpit pimps have been lied to in their seminaries and are just shoveling their deception to the innocent children, who not knowing any better, swallow it and pass it around as the truth!

I used to wonder about this one, "If it were possible, even the elect would be deceived". I was quite concerned and wondered if I was one of the deceived ones. I prayed fervently and asked Yah to show me the whole truth so that I would know for sure. He is Faithful and True and He did show me. Now I'm trying to share this with you.

I will have much more to say about this in the days to come.

Until then, May The Lord Bless you and keep you and lead you into ALL TRUTH.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Don't try this at home.........

Yes, I am a techno-noob. If there is a way to get this video to play on here, I havna gotta cluu Scotty. Please just click on the link and watch this.....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

And they said, "Where is your God......

......we don't see Him anywhere up there".

This is simply awesome.

Now....... "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse" Romans 1- 20

Alrighty then, some will try and use this as evidence for the
THEORY of evolution, but, sorry, it takes
more faith to
believe in evolution than a loving, creator God.

His name is Yeshua, and He came to rescue us from sin
and death.

And He loves you more than you can know or understand.........