Sunday, November 15, 2009


Fact, the early Christians were not mamby pamby whimps. It takes guts to live by faith alone, as I have discovered, and back then, to tell the ptb to get knicked was suicide.

But what is more important, life eternal in the presence of Yahwey or a new big screen TV to watch Benny Hinn on? Sadly, too many "brethren" say they choose the first, but their actions say otherwise....


by Brother Gregory Williams
November 7, 2009

Does a modern Christian have a right to self defense? With every right there is a correlative responsibility. The ancient right to bear arms has been described in antiquity as the obligation to bear arms in defense of your community. In those ancient times if you would not arm yourself to defend your community you were often shunned if not run out of town all together.

Chuck Baldwin in and article published by quoted the statistic that “as of 2004, 50% of the adults in the United States own one or more firearms.” My first reaction was, why so few? As someone who once wore a badge and a gun to protect the property and lives of citizens I can testify that my biggest disappointment was the apathy and even cowardice of the people I was often expected to protect.

To refuse to come to the aid of others has been considered a crime and good Samaritan laws have prosecuted citizens who failed to assist and aid people in need of assistance or protection.

Yet, I have heard many people say they would not own a gun or they did not believe in guns. On further inquiry everyone of these purveyors of pseudo-pacifism confirmed that if someone was breaking into their house they would call the police, who will come with guns. The truth is they do believe in guns, but they are either to lazy, to cheap, to cowardly, or just to irresponsible to own one.

This article is one of the rare ones that get to the meat of the matter. I know that the Bible says, "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword." Got it. But popping some thug who has nothing but trouble on his mind is self defense, not "living by the sword." I don't advocate violence. Not at all. But, if some punk was threatening me or my family with bodily harm or worse, I would not hesitate to deal with him. The part that sucks is having to bury them somewhere in the back forty.

Here in Canada, owning a gun, or almost any form of self protection is agin da law. Unless you get a permit. Well, as the old gun rights bumper sticker says, only the crooks have guns.

I would say it is pointless to fight a drone with guided missiles with an old Mossberg pump shotgun. But the goons who will rape and pillage? I'd have more sympathy for the rat I killed yesterday.

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