Saturday, September 5, 2009

Jesus arrested for hate speach

Well, it had to happen. He crossed the line. He called them "a brood of vipers", and they didn't like that.

Check this out.......

Why, dear gentle Christian, are we so ignorant and willingly blind to the fact that over 100 million Christians have already been murdered during the last 100 years? We seem to think "it can't happen here". Guess what buttercup, It can and it will happen here. Our pew warming butts are going to be spanked, big time.

About ten years ago, I read a small book called Tortured for his faith, by Haralaan Popov, a Christian pastor who was imprisoned and systematically tortured by the communists in Bulgaria during the 1950's and 60's. He spent a total of 14 years in their prison system and his tale was a hair raising, eye opener. I asked Yah, "why did you want me to read this?" His answer? "Because this is coming to Canada and the USA, soon."

So much for Joel Osteen and his ilk telling us that God wants us rich!

We, the North American Christians, actually deserve this. We are the true "frozen chosen". From our infighting to our pious judgments, from our country club churchianity to our luke warmness, we have been askin for it. Yes, there are lots of sincere believers out there who don't deserve this. I'm sure it was the same in Russia during the Bolshevik revolution and it's still that way in North Korea today, but the fact is, "they" hate us more than ever and their "father" is making his last ditch effort to silence the Church before he is dispatched to the Lake of Fire.

But here's the good news. We WIN! You can lop off my head but you can't have my soul. My eternal destiny is sealed by the Blood of The Lamb.

If you don't know Yeshua Messiah as your Lord and Saviour, now is the acceptable time, today is the day of salvation. The Biblical way is to Repent and be baptized, every one of you, for the remission of sin. Watch out for the wolves in sheep's clothing, they are everywhere, and they love to represent Christians. Their day of judgment is fast approaching and they will not like the verdict.

The enemy is not the Jews, its not the communists, it's not the politicians. Our enemy is Satan, the god of this world, who has already been defeated and who is already judged and condemned.

My prayer is that we do not loose heart as the persecutions of the Tribulation unfold.

May the God of all Peace keep you in perfect Peace, In Christ Jesus the Lord, Amen....

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