Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cuz it's a great big stupid world......

And we're gettin kinda queezy as it churns around....

So goes the Christian pop song from the late Eighties by someone who's name escapes me at the moment.

The Lord of ALL Truth, aka Jesus Christ, or for the purists among us, Yeshua Messiah, (same thing anyway) has been leading me on quite a journey of knowledge since I came to know Him personally. He said He is "The Way, The Truth and The Life and that no man comes to the Father except through Him". Well this trip into the truth has been rather interesting, to say the least!

One of the first things I recall discovering was that Christians seem to be the most resistant to learning the Truth! They got saved, got the basic dogmas and stuck their fingers in their ears and hummed loudly. ( I literally witnessed this ) Well it says in Second Thessalonians 2: 10, "...they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved".

Of course there is the debate about "once save always saved" and "salvation, use it or loose it". That is not the point here, and I don't think I'm taking the Word out of context when I say that the Love of the Truth is a major factor in ones salvation. (Notice I didn't say Thee Factor!) If it wasn't important to hunger and yearn for Truth, then why did Paul put that in there? I will say this though, when I was lost and devoid of understanding, I did have a need to know the truth and that yearning brought me to the foot of the Cross, where I received the forgiveness of my sins and began the amazing journey of knowing God, sorry purists, Elohim personally. He has taken a total fool and transformed me into a not so total fool! The wisdom part is slowly forming but that may take a while yet.

Well, all this leads me to my subject today. It's one that gets folks imprisoned, tortured and killed to this day.

That is the subject of Zionism.

There is a scripture in the Old Testament that says, "I will bless those who bless you, but the one who treats you lightly I must curse, and all the families of the earth will bless one another by your name.” Genesis 12: 3 The Christian Zionists have taken that mean, "If we are really, really nice to the nation of Israel God will be really, really nice to us." It's to the point where if you even question this dogma you will be ostracized at least or disfellowshipped from some churches. The Southern Baptists have really run with this one.

Excuse me?

Who was Yahwey talking about back there? It wasn't the Jews OR Israel because they didn't even exist yet. he was talking to Abram, soon to be Abraham, the Father of Many Nations! Abram was still in his old haunts! He was just beginning to get the promises from Yahwey. How we get "Bless the Zionists" from that is beyond me. I was in Israel in 1996. I ran where Jesus walked and took a bus in between. When I was at the Wailing Wall, wearing my hat, I said a simple prayer. I said, "Lord, these people around me here are praying to some old rocks trying to find You, but I have You here in my heart. I love you and know that You are with me always, so I pray for these people to know you as I and millions of others have and do, personally through Yeshua Messiah." Or something like that. It was an epiphany moment. He said to me, "Son, they have rejected Me and My Son, therefore my curse is upon them. Be not a partaker in their sins!" Buddy, I was floored. I had come all that way and spent all that money to find that out! Dang,I shoulda went to Cancun! Oh well, I probably wouldn't have gained the big revelation on a sandy beach that I did there.

It was from that point on that I saw the whole Christian picture in a little bitty different light.

Of course, when I tried to share my new found revelation with my fellow believers, I was told that my thinking was blasphemy and that I should repent and turn from my wicked ways.

Wait a minute here. Aren't WE the New Israel? The Promised SEED of ABRAHAM? His "MANY SONS"? Why did Yah send His only begotten Son to die for all of mankind's sins if one little group can just sort of slide through without repentance and absolution of their sin?

Read the Old Testament! It is the sad story of a race of people that God took from the dust, brushed off, cleaned up, blessed and blessed some more, who ultimately told Him to get nicked, we don't need You. God even went so far as to refer to His Chosen Ones as old whores who pay others for their services! Read Ezekiel 20 and the whole book of Hosea.

I'm sorry if this causes your paradigm to shift. We need to read The Word of God, all of it, to see what it REALLY SAYS! The pulpit pimps have been lied to in their seminaries and are just shoveling their deception to the innocent children, who not knowing any better, swallow it and pass it around as the truth!

I used to wonder about this one, "If it were possible, even the elect would be deceived". I was quite concerned and wondered if I was one of the deceived ones. I prayed fervently and asked Yah to show me the whole truth so that I would know for sure. He is Faithful and True and He did show me. Now I'm trying to share this with you.

I will have much more to say about this in the days to come.

Until then, May The Lord Bless you and keep you and lead you into ALL TRUTH.

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