Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Law and Grace

"....and Jesus said, Think not that I came to abolish the law, but rather I came that the Law might be fulfilled......"

OK, here's a primer for you.

On their website, , Todd Friel and the gang have a unique but effective way of sharing the Good News. They call it Law/Grace.

For the initiated among us, that is to say Believers in The Way, this sounds like an oxymoron. If we're saved by grace then what the heck does the law have to do with anything?

It's really quite simple. When we know the condition we're in when we look at ourselves under the microscope of the Law, then we can see clearly our need to be Born from Above in order to be under Grace.

It goes like this:

Have you always kept the Ten Comandments? I mean every one, ALWAYS!

Have you always loved the Lord, without reservation or hesitation?

Have you ever stolen anything? Even a paperclip or some other equally benign object?

Have you ever told a lie?

Have you ever been jealous of someone and coveted their stuff?

Have you ever looked at a member of the opposite sex and lusted after them?

Have you ever hated someone?

You get the picture.

The Word of God says that if you have broken even one of these laws, once, you are guilty of them all and deserve to be cast in to Hellfire for all eternity! I know, I know, God is a big meanie for making it soooo hard on us.

But wait, there's more!

Why did Yeshua, aka Jesus, have to come and do all those really nice things then be killed by the bad guys?

Answer, to deliver us from the penalty of breaking all of those Laws! That's the Gospel, the Good News!

"He, who knew no sin, became sin for us, taking that sin and nailing it to the Cross, thereby justifying all who would hereafter believe upon Him and His sacrifice."

People have asked me, "How can you possibly believe in the Bible, after all it was just written by men?"

My answer. If it was just written by men, they must have had some kind of amazing way of communicating because the Bible was written by 40 different authors, over a period of 1500 years, and it tells the exact same story from beginning to end. Very few of those authors knew each other, or even lived at the same time or place. They ranged from kings to farmers, from prophets to whoremongers. The truth is, the Bible was written by men, yes, men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit, who spoke through them, instructing them and guiding them to produce the Holy Scriptures.

Another Question I have heard is, "Why do you have faith in something you can't even see?"

My answer. Why do you have to see the wind in order to believe in it? The fact is, my faith in God has grown exponentially since I became a Believer. It's now Experience! I have seen miracles, in my own life and in the lives of others. I've witnessed so many miracles that I can't even remember them all! From having feasts prepared in the wilderness, to being healed of sicknesses, to little things like having a part for my truck appear from seemingly nowhere when there was no other way it could have been there, I have experienced the mighty Hand of God so many times that to doubt Him or question His ability would just be, frankly, stupid.

The trouble is, we are a rebellious and sinful bunch, we want it our way, and we hate the idea that we are under some kind of ever watchful eye. We hate the idea of being judged, yet we judge others. What if the One who judges us loves us? What if He made a way of escape? What if we could just have a simple, easy way to by-pass the judgment we deserve?

Well there is a way. His name is Yeshua Messiah, aka Jesus Christ, and all we have to do is admit that we are sinners, believe in Him and what He did for us, and repent of our sin. That's it.

No religion. No rituals.

Please, consider these words and come to the One who can not only save you from Hell but who can bless you in so many ways that you will never be the same again.....

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