Monday, August 31, 2009

3000 miles later......

Ok, I'm back.

That dang work, it keeps getting in the way of my leisure time.

Now where were we? Oh yeah, those wonderful Zionists.

As you can see in the picture above, even some Jews don't like the Zionists!

To see them marching through the streets of New York, protesting the "war" in Gaza, says more to me than I can say.

It's time for our lesson. Did you know that the Torah is not the same as the Talmud? Not even close.

The Torah is what we believers in the Word of God call the Old Testament. The Talmud has the first five books, The Pentateuch, but after that it's a collection of satanically inspired, anti-God, perverted and just plain nasty writings. It is NOT the Word of Yahovey! There are plenty of resources on the web to study the true history of the Talmud, so I won't bore you with the details here, but suffice it to say, It was the book that the Pharisees and Saducees used to bring their accusations against Yeshua. It was also why they didn't recognize Him, He simply isn't in the Talmud!

Another thing that really gets me angry is the continuous use of the phrase "Judeo-Christian" when referring to our Christian Heritage. I'm sorry but no, the Jews had nothing to do with the founding of Western Civilization. They were the first converts to be sure, but the unconverted Jews were nothing but a thorn in the side of the young church. Read about Paul's experiences with them as he travelled around. They were trying to have him killed! Do you think that they just sort of stopped and gave up? To this day, they are waiting for their Messiah. At least the 5% or so who actually believe in God.

This sort of writing is considered "anti-semetic". I can be punished for "hate".

Well, for the record, I don't hate a single person on this planet, or any other planet, and I am truly hoping for the Lord of glory to save each and every soul. I pray for the Jews, the Zionists, the atheists, the heathen, to receive the gift of Salvation that is available to them through Yeshua Messiah, Jesus Christ.

I was raised by unbelievers who had dabbled in the occult and had no use whatsoever for God. When I was at the lowest point in my life, I cried out, "Hey God, if you're real SHOW ME!" And boy did He! I can honestly say that you don't clean a fish before you catch it, and He caught me while I was a drunken, drugged, stressed out sinner....THEN He began the cleaning process. And I'm still "in process".

So, what about the Zionists?

For one thing, they hate the Goyim. (that's us) Their "Holy book" tells them that we are no better than cattle, to be used and then discarded. They see us as "useless eaters", taking their precious resources. Look at what is happening to the USA right now. The lie is is that B Hussein Obama is anti-semetic. If that's the case then why are almost all of his "czars" Jewish? Why are they hell bent on destroying the freedoms that were paid for with the blood of the patriots?

Did you know that almost all of the leaders of the Communist Revolution in Russia were Jews? Did you know that Idi Amin, the cannibal Dictator of Uganda was installed by the Zionists? Did you know that Most of the Zionists aren't even of Jewish bloodlines?
Did you know that the Sepharadim, or true blood Jews, are treated like crap in Israel?
Did you know that almost all of the "Jews" in Israel are atheists?

Why do we beleive the lies? Why do we defend Israel? In Genesis Abram was told that whoever blesses you will be blessed and whoever curses you will be cursed. How do we get bless Israel from that? They rejected the Messiah 2000 years ago, and just like Yeshau promised, they were rejected by God. Did the Romans destroy the Temple or not? Did they kick the Jews out of Palestine or not?

We have such a short time left. The forces of darkness are pushing ahead with everything they've got. But you know what?

THEY LOOSE!!! I read the back of The Book, and the meek truly do inherit the Earth! Yeshua is coming soon. Some say within the next decade. Me? I say He's coming back and no man knows the day or the hour. Just be ready and watch unto prayer.

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