Friday, September 25, 2009

Bring lotsa rope....

This New World Order stuff is just getting stupid.

I mean, how much longer is it going to be before Joe and Betty Schmuck are going to start shooting?

DISCLAIMER!!! I in NO WAY advocate the use of violence. I believe in the Golden Rule, Love your neighbor as yourself. I love absolutely everybody, not a hateful bone in my body!

As I was watching some video footage of the protesters in Pittsburg PA being whisked away by "someone" in uniform, as people were shouting at them"what are you doing? He didn't do anything wrong. etc.", I was struck by how civilized the protesters really were. I didn't see a long rifle or a canon in the hands of the protesters. However, I did see lots of cool ordnance in the police's and military's hands.

So all of this talk of societal breakdown, anarchy, and the like, is it just a bunch of hot air? I would have thought that there would have been some good old public lynchings by now. I mean, how many politicians dangling from trees would it take?

In war, it's kill or be killed. It's not a wimpy, whiny, crying girl asking "what are you doing?" The guns, swords, and bombs come out! Believe me, I don't want to see this happen but where are the patriots? From what I've read, I would expect them to be marching down the streets with pitch forks and muskets by now. But nothing.

I guess folks just don't realize exactly what's happening yet. They're glued to there TV's and believing that everything is just hunky dory. I know that I can't even broach this subject with 95% of the people I know, for fear that they'd think I was nuts. If ignorance is bliss, why are all of them so depressed?

Ok, Bible lesson time.

Gather round boys and girls.

The Word of God is quite plain about it. These are the days spoken of by Yeshua and the prophets. The summation of all things is at hand. Wars and rumors of wars, and all of that.

I suppose that if one is completely ignorant of what is really going on right now, ones blood pressure is probably quite low. But the Word says that mens hearts will fail them for fear! That must be the ones who are paying attention. Go check out the sites, there is no shortage of fear being peddled on them! They tell of the horrors and woes coming upon the earth, but their only solutions are to eat healthy and hum loudly to make it all go away. I suppose they're the ones whose tickers will pop, since they see the problem but reject the only solution, Jesus Christ and His gift of salvation.

I love an obscure little passage in the Book of Psalms. Psalm 31:24 says, "Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord."

Beautiful. That about sums it up. It's this fear of death thing that gets us in trouble. If you have no idea where you're going when you die you may be a tad reluctant to go there. But go there you must, so all of the chanting in Latin, yoga and meditation on nothingness can't stop it. As a matter of fact, it will probably hasten it to your temple!

Most folks have rejected the gift of life, I don't see that trend changing any time soon, but there is always a remnant who will accept it and find true peace. Not as the world gives it but as Jesus, aka, Yeshua gives it.

Are you one of the few?

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