Friday, October 16, 2009

A history lesson

It was a conundrum. A situation for which the law was not going to work as intended, at least not for the general public anyway.

A little more than 100 years ago, the Motor Truck was invented. It was a noisy, smelly beast that scared the horses and upset the ladies. But it moved goods, cheaply and efficiently. As farmers started to realize the great advantage of these machines, they bought them. But, in between seed time and harvest, they sat parked. More than one enterprising young lad borrowed the family truck and moved goods for others during these times. Some even went into full time trucking, leaving the farm for "greener pastures", so to speak. It was a great opportunity, a service was needed and it was provided. United Parcel Service was started in just this way. The young entrepreneur took the family truck to the train station and moved peoples luggage. That was the humble birth of the biggest transportation company in the world!

It was all smooth sailing until...

It seems that using public roads for private gain was not sitting too well with some folks. Those machines were destroying the roads and doing it for free! The owner/operators were gaining from the labor of the community at large without paying anything in return. It was a public outrage! Legislators were contacted and told of this "legal loophole" and their constituents demanded that they "do something". These "monsters" had to be banned. Of course, the railroads would have loved that! But it was the golden age of the industrial revolution, industry had become dependent on the truck's generally reliable, cheap services. The boost in productivity was substantial, and, just like today, not everyone has the luxury of having a rail siding at their backdoor. To top it all off, there was a constitutional edict stating that it was illegal to use public property for private gain.

This was a serious problem!

Many ideas were bandied about, but one idea seamed to be the answer, licensing the trucks and their drivers. Essentially, what was proposed was that an admission of guilt for the crime of public trespassing was required. Then, the person or persons in question would be automatically found guilty of said trespass. They would be convicted of this "crime" and sentenced. Their sentence? They were to be released on there own recognizance and had to report "regularly" for inspection. Their "convict number" would be used as an identifying number and they would then be free to do business, a long as the obeyed the conditions specified on their "licenses". Their convict number became their drivers license number!

This, boys and girls, is how the "drivers license" came into being. It seemed like a good idea at the time anyway.....

Now let me ask you, do you engage in the transportation of others goods for profit on "Her Majesties Highways"? If you are "going to or from the market to do trade" that is altogether different and has always been quite legal. If you are using your motor vehicle, of any size, for personal use only, then you are exempted as well. But try to do it without a "convict number" and see how far you get.

But wait a minute, you aren't a convict, are you?

Tell me, what rights do convicts have?


They get "privileges".

Have you ever heard that "driving is a privilege, not a right"? Well, they were wrong. Did you know that you can get on a horse and ride it anywhere you want without any kind of license or training? There are no license plate brackets on horses the last time I checked. (I had better not give them any ideas!)

This brings me to something I just read tonight. In the US of A, where communism seems to be literally taking over, they are proposing that, when the health care bill passes, you will be able to get your health care "legalities" taken care of at your local Dept. of Motor Vehicles office!

Hello? Did you get that? In my way of thinking, they are making you, the convict, get their "permission" to be healthy!!! Now I may be stretching things a bit here, but stop and think about it. If they can turn something as simple as movement, ie: driving, into a "privilege", then why not your health?

This is just another of the myriad of frightening and dangerous "laws" that the powers that be are seeking to shackle us with.

As a Believer in Yeshua Messiah, aka Jesus the Christ, I struggle with these things. He told me in His Word that He would lead me into "ALL TRUTH", and boy, has He. The curtain has been lifted and laid bare. I can see right through the lies and deceptions that have we have all been hypnotized into believing as the "way it is". From the usury system that we call "money", to property taxes that prove we are slaves to the government, I have been given the ability to see right through it all. The question is, since Jesus told us to "submit unto the authorities", and to "do good to those who despitefully use you", how far do we let this go? I mean, some say that if we do nothing at all, it will hasten the return of Jesus, since the wickedness will grow exponentially and He'll "have to" come back and sort it all out.

Well , what about the scriptures that instruct us to stand up for truth and righteousness. To defend widows and orphans. To defend the helpless and feed the poor, to love our neighbors as ourselves!

Which is it?

Go see the movie "Amazing Grace". It's about one Christian man, William Wilberforce, who single handedly abolished slavery in the British Commonwealth. Why? Because it was the right thing to do!

Read about Haralaan Popov, Richard Wurmbrand, or the millions of others who have been martyred for they're faith and belief in Yeshua Messiah. They didn't sign their "confessions". That was against the law though! They were rebels! They were convicts! They were not conforming to the world or it's ways and they were tortured and killed for it!

These truly are the last days. We are about to enter into the most terrifying time in our planet's existence.

Are you ready?

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