Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Brother Nathaniel Kapner

This guy is something else.

He is one of the very few who are willing to speak up about the Zionist threat that we ALL as Christians, are the sworn enemies of.

Although he is an Orthodox Christian, we won't hold that against him, he was born Jewish and has paid a very high price for his faith in Messiah Yeshua.

And he can bust some moves!

His website, , is a lightning rod of controversy. Some of the posters on his comments section are, shall we say, rather religious, dogmatic and even idolatrous. We certainly don't agree with everything the Brother or his commenters say but the exchange of ideas is enlightening and entertaining, all with a very serious under tone.

I highly recommend that you study the issue of Zionism for yourself, you may find that what the "churchianity crowd" has been preaching and teaching isn't so accurate after all.

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