Tuesday, December 29, 2009


And I'm convinced it's true!

The Bible, The "Good Book", Holy Writ, The Word Of God, The Scriptures......

These titles and a few more are used to describe what is unarguably the most published, most widely read, dearly loved (or hated) collection of words in the history of mankind.

In it we get a brief overview of history, (understatement here for the marginal among us!) the story of one sorry little bunch of losers known as Israel, and finally, the redemption from sin that was promised at the beginning of it. How's that for a quickie book report eh?

I condensed it so that I can get straight to my premise. That is that.....

The Bible is thee Master Computer Program that holds the entire known, and unknown, Universe together!!!

Nut job. Whacko. That's just stupid. Is there any beer left?

These comments and more have been hurled my way whenever I have suggested this, and these are from the Christians!

Funny thing, that Word of God, it get's folks rather opinionated and dogmatic in their thinking. "I was taught that....insert dogma here......as a child, and I'm not about to entertain any wild ideas now!"

Well, let's not be too hasty here.

What does it say in the Old Scriptures anyway?

How about, "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." Hebrews 11:3

Or how about this classic, "Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away." Matthew 24:35

And another, "Till heaven and Earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Matthew 5:18

And The Biggie, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Yahoveh, and the Word was Yahovey. The same was in the beginning with Yah. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made." John 1: 1-3

That's just a few of the hints that Yah has dropped there in His Word about the matter, there are more.

I mean, think about it, if Yahwey could create the Universe, (multiverse?), by speaking it into being, create all living things with Man being His crowning achievement, who by the knowledge given him has created amazing things, like the computer for instance, why couldn't He have set all of this in motion eons ago as a simple program on His Holy Hard drive?

Ok, I saw the Matrix, and it did kinda prod me in this direction. (Hey, God can speak through a donkey, he can certainly use a movie.)

Another thing that brought me to this conclusion was the works of Ivan Panin. He was a Russian mathematician and Bible scholar, who spent over 50 years looking for, and finding, the numerical patterns in the Hebrew text. (NO, this is not "the Bible Code!") He found that since Hebrew is an Alpha/numeric language (meaning that the letters are numbers too) the numerical patterns were frequent and consistent throughout the Torah. He also discovered that if even one "jot or tittle" was removed, or misplaced, the entire structure of the Word would be lost and it would no longer "add up".

Obviously, this Word of God wasn't thrown together by a bunch of clever shysters out to make a buck and promote their deity du jure, it was truly written by men who were inspired and led by the Holy Spirit, who humbly and with fear and trembling, wrote down what the Lord dictated to them, verbatim.

So, I realize that I'm taking some big leaps around here. It keeps me in shape.

Study it for yourself. Live the Word for a while. Be still and know that HE IS GOD.

As this world goes down the drain, just like the Word says it will, we have a sure foundation.

On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.


Satan looses!

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