Thursday, November 12, 2009

Would you Die for Wal-Mart?

Check this link out.

It amazes me that we, meaning Canadians and Americans, still think we are a free people. We haven't been truly free for a very long time.

As a matter of fact, the ONLY freedom we can ever truly have is the Freedom in Christ that comes from being one of His born from above believers. All the rest is just an extension of that most basic freedom.

The Magna Charta, or Great Charter, was the foundation of Common Law, the law that gave us such things as "innocent until proven guilty" and "all men are equal before the law". It was the law of the British Empire since its inception in 1215 AD and, even though it was abused, it was the most fair and just form of law up until that time. It was abused and misinterpreted many times over, but the original intent was the basis for another ground breaking document, The American Constitution, and it's sister, The Bill of Rights. In no other time or place in history was there a law, of the people, for the people, and by the people. A "bottom up" form of governance, as opposed to the ubiquitous "top down" variety that has and still does, enslave people and make them, "subjects", with only the privileges that they are granted.

We have been happily deluded for so long now, that we get down right angry when someone tries to lead us to the truth. Ah well, I'm in good company anyway.

After you read the article in the link, ask yourself, would you give your life for Wal-Mart?

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