Thursday, October 29, 2009


Ok, so it's been awhile. But here's an amazing bunch of factoids.

If, after reading this, you still don't believe that the Bible is the inspired and only true Word of Yahwey, then I release you.

What is so important about the Numeric New Testament? The perfect divine
inspiration of the original Scriptures are scientifically obtainable through numerics. Let
me tell you a little of the awesome story.

Ivan Panin was forced to leave Russia during the
Bolshevik Revolution and come to the United States. He became a Harvard Scholar,
professor, and mathematician, who once tutored Albert Einstein. His training, devotion to
Christ and the Scriptures well-equipped him for his future work. Here he found his life’s
work in scientifically proving the divine inspiration of Scriptures. For fifty years, Dr. Panin
devoted twelve to eighteen hours a day to this work. The basis for his revelation, which
he called numerics, was the ancient Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament
Scriptures. The Hebrews and Greeks used their letters also for their numbers. In other
words, the whole Bible was actually written in numbers also. What Dr. Panin discovered
is that when he used the numbers, the 66 books of the Bible showed a pattern of numbers
and divisibility that no other writing had. He diligently researched other Hebrew and
Greek writings and found no pattern. This included the apocryphal books added in the
Catholic and other early Protestant Bibles, including the original King James Version
before its many revisions.

I have read Dr. Panin’s works for many years and am totally impressed that God
ordained him to bring us back to the original text. Below is a small sample of his volumes
of work from a pamphlet titled Astounding New Discoveries © 1941 by a disciple of his,
Karl G. Sabiers, M.A. The number seven is by far the most common number used in the
surface text of the Bible, used in Revelation alone more than fifty times, but it is also
common beneath the surface of the whole Bible.

In GENESIS CHAPTER ONE, VERSE ONE we read, “In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth.”

The number of Hebrew words in this verse is exactly seven.

The number of letters in the seven words is exactly twenty-eight, or four sevens.

The first three of these seven Hebrew words contain the subject and predicate of the
sentence. These three words are translated–“In the beginning God created.” The
number of letters in these first three Hebrew words is exactly fourteen, or two sevens.
The last four of these seven words contain the object of the sentence. These four words
are translated–“the heavens and the earth.” The number of letters in these last four
Hebrew words is fourteen, or two sevens.

These last four Hebrew words consist of two objects. The first is “the heavens,” and the
second is “and the earth.” The number of letters in the first object is exactly seven. The
number of letters in the second object is seven.

The three leading words in this verse of seven words are God–the subject –and heavens
and earth–the objects. The number of letters in these three Hebrew words is exactly
fourteen, or two sevens. The number of letters in the other four words of the verse is
fourteen, or two sevens.

The shortest word is in the middle. The number of letters in this word and the word to its
left is exactly seven.

The number of letters in the middle word and the word to its right is exactly seven.
These are only a few examples of the many amazing numeric facts, which have
been discovered in the structure of this first verse of only seven Hebrew words. Literally
dozens of other phenomenal numeric features strangely underlie the structure of this

Thus, according to the law of chances, for twenty-four features to occur in a
passage accidentally, there is only one chance in 191,581,231,380,566,414,401–only
one chance in one-hundred-ninety-one quintillion, five-hundred-eighty-one quadrillion,
two-hundred-thirty-one trillion, three-hundred-eighty-billion, five-hundred sixty-six million,
four-hundred-fourteen-thousand, four-hundred-one. (The nomenclature herein used is
the American, not the British.)

Many brief Bible passages have as many as seventy or one hundred or more
amazing numeric features in the very structure of their text. If there is only one chance in
quintillions that twenty-four features could occur together accidentally, what would the
chance be for seventy features to occur together accidentally?
When there is only one chance in thousands for something to happen accidentally,
it is already considered highly improbable that it will occur at all. When there is only one
chance in hundreds of thousands, it is considered practically impossible. But here there
is one chance in not only millions, but billions, and trillions, and quadrillions, and
quintillions, that merely twenty-four features could occur together in a passage

If that is not enough to convince any sane man, there are patterns of eight, eleven,
thirteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty-three, thirty-seven, forty-three, etc., on top of the
sevens throughout the Word. Larger patterns connect book to book, Old Testament to

New Testament and show the correct order of the books. What all this proves is that one
divine, brilliant mind wrote the Bible rather than thirty-three simple men, with relatively no
schooling, who lived in different countries over a span of 1,600 years. If men wrote the
Bible, they would have all had to live at the same time and place and all been
mathematical geniuses. Then they would have each had to write their book last with the
knowledge of the numeric pattern in all the other books. Men have tried to write a simple
numeric text with very few features and failed miserably.

The Hebrews had extremely stringent rules for the scribes to follow in copying the ancient
manuscripts. God did this through them in order to preserve this pattern of perfection in
the Scriptures that we might have the “God-breathed” Word of God. If a Greek or Hebrew
letter is added, removed, or changed, the pattern breaks in that text. The main problem
today in publishing Bibles is deciding which manuscript to use. It makes common sense
to use only ancient manuscripts, which were close to the original with less likelihood of
human mistake. Using a copy of a copy of a copy, etc. makes no sense, and yet, because
of prejudices or lack of availability of ancient manuscripts, some have published Bibles
from these. Needless to say, the ancient manuscripts proved to be much more numeric.
What God has done through numerics is to give us a method by which we can find out
which manuscript is right and where each one is right or wrong. Then of course Ivan used
only the numeric texts for an original copy. Numerics has made searching multiple
translations obsolete. It also makes it possible to find out which translation is the most
accurate. In comparing the Bibles up through the early 1900s, Dr. Panin rated the
American Revised Version in English, now called the American Standard Version
(, to be the most accurate. However, his Numeric New Testament exceeds
that because there are no disputed references of slight differences in ancient manuscripts
since Numerics proves every text to the letter.

Publisher’s Note: The reader will notice a few rare occasions where verses are skipped. This is in keeping with Dr. Panin’s original work. Over time, men have added verses that do not have a numeric pattern and are not a part of the original Greek.

Important Note: Dr. Ivan Panin’s original work has not been changed except for a few
typographical errors and a few select words where the spelling was modernized and
standardized. This upgraded only the spelling and did not change the numeric Greek
pattern behind it. Since few know the value of the numeric blank spaces sometimes found
between chapters and verses, which are explained in Paper I, they have been left out in
favor of readability, easier typesetting, and lower printing costs. These can be found in the
original NENT. A very few Notes were left out because they had already been
incorporated into the text of the Second Edition making them unnecessary. Dr. Panin's
numeric materials may be found on our website at
Your servants at UBM

Hey? Hey?! Is that not amazing? And that's just one example! The entire Bible, both old and Most importantly, the New Testament, is one giant numbers game! No other writing on earth has this! None!

I believed in God by faith many years ago and He just keeps rewarding my trust with evidences like this. To not believe in Jesus Christ after reading his stuff is just pure satanic rebellion at this point, and unless you repent of your sin and change you ways, there's not much hope for you. I'm so sorry for anyone who could reject the only hope we have in this world.

May God richly bless you, Hidden Mountain

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