Monday, August 3, 2009

Crop circlesquare
This is totally amazing art....way beyond boards and ropes!
As an artist I am humbled by these images that appear overnight...even if there were a huge team of mathmatically inclined folks with boards and ropes...the fact that folks could "be on the same page" and stick to the plan...all in the middle of the dark night...I want neighbors like that!( THE LITTLE WHITE SPECK NEAR MIDDLE IS HUMAN!)
If indeed aliens or angels or YAH himself is sending us a message...i think the message is this world of entropy and chaos and a very strong and active first law of thermodynamics, there is hope of divine order and mathematical beauty .Einstein said that truth has beauty that is it's signature of correctness ( not a quote , just my take on his perspective regarding physics and math )I wholeheartedly agree . Divine truths are always simple and complete or at least in THE BIG PICTURE appear that way...kinda like this "hay art"....perhaps YAH is saying "HEY!(hay) I am your father which ART IN HEAVEN,and every once in a while I leave my "fingerprints" just to remind you that there really is order to life!

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