Thursday, August 6, 2009

An "AHA" moment


Slaps forehead.

Ok, this may be a stretch for some but follow me here.

This morning as I was reading my daily devotional at, the subject was about Jesus "breathing" on his disciples, thereby giving them the Holy Spirit.

Then Mishel and I were discussing the various taxes that are coming out of literally nowhere, the strangest and most ominous being "Cap & Trade". Since the so called Global Warming hoax has been getting played up by the Illuminati owned press for the last few years, it seems as though C02 has become a bad thing.

Now, back to Jesus and the disciples at Pentecost.

What did he do? He blew C02 all over everyone and they received the Holy Spirit!!!

Is this getting through that little noggin of yours yet boy? (To quote the famous Foghorn Leghorn)

Now who would be a little ticked off that the mud monkeys had been given power from on High, to tread on serpents and scorpions and every deadly thing. Think for a moment, his name starts with a D, and hes a jerk.

Sooooo, I told you it was a stretch.

But think about it. If breathing was an act of Holy Ghost Power, wouldn't the devil be agin it?

Years ago, when I had delusions of a political future, I jokingly referred to taxing breathing. I said, "It will be a fair tax, only exhaling will be taxed, inhaling will still be free." That was 25 years ago. Am I a prophet or what! Ok, no, I'm sure I'm not. But dang, what are the boneheads trying to do right now? Tax freekin breathing! C02 is bad, bad, bad. Tailpipes, lungs and other things spew this stuff 24/7/365. OH NO! We're all gonna DIE!

Are you scared yet? Well, you shouldn't be because if you're in fear, you're NOT in faith, and THAT is exactly where the devil wants you.

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. ( And blow c02 all over the underworld).

Are we supposed to fear death? NO! What does the Word say? Jesus said, "You who through fear of death were in subjection to bondage...." BONDAGE! You chickens.

Mishel just said, "This is the devils back door to taxing the Holy Spirit". Well, she is a smart chick.

Granted this idea is still fresh and someone will argue, simply because someone always has to argue, but think about it. Why on earth would the satanic morons want to stop us from breathing if it didn't make their boss happy? This is looking like it's about way more than a little soot coming from a trucks exhaust stack.

Here's a question. What is the Bible but the "Inspired, aka, God Breathed Word of Life?"

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