Monday, August 31, 2009

3000 miles later......

Ok, I'm back.

That dang work, it keeps getting in the way of my leisure time.

Now where were we? Oh yeah, those wonderful Zionists.

As you can see in the picture above, even some Jews don't like the Zionists!

To see them marching through the streets of New York, protesting the "war" in Gaza, says more to me than I can say.

It's time for our lesson. Did you know that the Torah is not the same as the Talmud? Not even close.

The Torah is what we believers in the Word of God call the Old Testament. The Talmud has the first five books, The Pentateuch, but after that it's a collection of satanically inspired, anti-God, perverted and just plain nasty writings. It is NOT the Word of Yahovey! There are plenty of resources on the web to study the true history of the Talmud, so I won't bore you with the details here, but suffice it to say, It was the book that the Pharisees and Saducees used to bring their accusations against Yeshua. It was also why they didn't recognize Him, He simply isn't in the Talmud!

Another thing that really gets me angry is the continuous use of the phrase "Judeo-Christian" when referring to our Christian Heritage. I'm sorry but no, the Jews had nothing to do with the founding of Western Civilization. They were the first converts to be sure, but the unconverted Jews were nothing but a thorn in the side of the young church. Read about Paul's experiences with them as he travelled around. They were trying to have him killed! Do you think that they just sort of stopped and gave up? To this day, they are waiting for their Messiah. At least the 5% or so who actually believe in God.

This sort of writing is considered "anti-semetic". I can be punished for "hate".

Well, for the record, I don't hate a single person on this planet, or any other planet, and I am truly hoping for the Lord of glory to save each and every soul. I pray for the Jews, the Zionists, the atheists, the heathen, to receive the gift of Salvation that is available to them through Yeshua Messiah, Jesus Christ.

I was raised by unbelievers who had dabbled in the occult and had no use whatsoever for God. When I was at the lowest point in my life, I cried out, "Hey God, if you're real SHOW ME!" And boy did He! I can honestly say that you don't clean a fish before you catch it, and He caught me while I was a drunken, drugged, stressed out sinner....THEN He began the cleaning process. And I'm still "in process".

So, what about the Zionists?

For one thing, they hate the Goyim. (that's us) Their "Holy book" tells them that we are no better than cattle, to be used and then discarded. They see us as "useless eaters", taking their precious resources. Look at what is happening to the USA right now. The lie is is that B Hussein Obama is anti-semetic. If that's the case then why are almost all of his "czars" Jewish? Why are they hell bent on destroying the freedoms that were paid for with the blood of the patriots?

Did you know that almost all of the leaders of the Communist Revolution in Russia were Jews? Did you know that Idi Amin, the cannibal Dictator of Uganda was installed by the Zionists? Did you know that Most of the Zionists aren't even of Jewish bloodlines?
Did you know that the Sepharadim, or true blood Jews, are treated like crap in Israel?
Did you know that almost all of the "Jews" in Israel are atheists?

Why do we beleive the lies? Why do we defend Israel? In Genesis Abram was told that whoever blesses you will be blessed and whoever curses you will be cursed. How do we get bless Israel from that? They rejected the Messiah 2000 years ago, and just like Yeshau promised, they were rejected by God. Did the Romans destroy the Temple or not? Did they kick the Jews out of Palestine or not?

We have such a short time left. The forces of darkness are pushing ahead with everything they've got. But you know what?

THEY LOOSE!!! I read the back of The Book, and the meek truly do inherit the Earth! Yeshua is coming soon. Some say within the next decade. Me? I say He's coming back and no man knows the day or the hour. Just be ready and watch unto prayer.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cuz it's a great big stupid world......

And we're gettin kinda queezy as it churns around....

So goes the Christian pop song from the late Eighties by someone who's name escapes me at the moment.

The Lord of ALL Truth, aka Jesus Christ, or for the purists among us, Yeshua Messiah, (same thing anyway) has been leading me on quite a journey of knowledge since I came to know Him personally. He said He is "The Way, The Truth and The Life and that no man comes to the Father except through Him". Well this trip into the truth has been rather interesting, to say the least!

One of the first things I recall discovering was that Christians seem to be the most resistant to learning the Truth! They got saved, got the basic dogmas and stuck their fingers in their ears and hummed loudly. ( I literally witnessed this ) Well it says in Second Thessalonians 2: 10, "...they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved".

Of course there is the debate about "once save always saved" and "salvation, use it or loose it". That is not the point here, and I don't think I'm taking the Word out of context when I say that the Love of the Truth is a major factor in ones salvation. (Notice I didn't say Thee Factor!) If it wasn't important to hunger and yearn for Truth, then why did Paul put that in there? I will say this though, when I was lost and devoid of understanding, I did have a need to know the truth and that yearning brought me to the foot of the Cross, where I received the forgiveness of my sins and began the amazing journey of knowing God, sorry purists, Elohim personally. He has taken a total fool and transformed me into a not so total fool! The wisdom part is slowly forming but that may take a while yet.

Well, all this leads me to my subject today. It's one that gets folks imprisoned, tortured and killed to this day.

That is the subject of Zionism.

There is a scripture in the Old Testament that says, "I will bless those who bless you, but the one who treats you lightly I must curse, and all the families of the earth will bless one another by your name.” Genesis 12: 3 The Christian Zionists have taken that mean, "If we are really, really nice to the nation of Israel God will be really, really nice to us." It's to the point where if you even question this dogma you will be ostracized at least or disfellowshipped from some churches. The Southern Baptists have really run with this one.

Excuse me?

Who was Yahwey talking about back there? It wasn't the Jews OR Israel because they didn't even exist yet. he was talking to Abram, soon to be Abraham, the Father of Many Nations! Abram was still in his old haunts! He was just beginning to get the promises from Yahwey. How we get "Bless the Zionists" from that is beyond me. I was in Israel in 1996. I ran where Jesus walked and took a bus in between. When I was at the Wailing Wall, wearing my hat, I said a simple prayer. I said, "Lord, these people around me here are praying to some old rocks trying to find You, but I have You here in my heart. I love you and know that You are with me always, so I pray for these people to know you as I and millions of others have and do, personally through Yeshua Messiah." Or something like that. It was an epiphany moment. He said to me, "Son, they have rejected Me and My Son, therefore my curse is upon them. Be not a partaker in their sins!" Buddy, I was floored. I had come all that way and spent all that money to find that out! Dang,I shoulda went to Cancun! Oh well, I probably wouldn't have gained the big revelation on a sandy beach that I did there.

It was from that point on that I saw the whole Christian picture in a little bitty different light.

Of course, when I tried to share my new found revelation with my fellow believers, I was told that my thinking was blasphemy and that I should repent and turn from my wicked ways.

Wait a minute here. Aren't WE the New Israel? The Promised SEED of ABRAHAM? His "MANY SONS"? Why did Yah send His only begotten Son to die for all of mankind's sins if one little group can just sort of slide through without repentance and absolution of their sin?

Read the Old Testament! It is the sad story of a race of people that God took from the dust, brushed off, cleaned up, blessed and blessed some more, who ultimately told Him to get nicked, we don't need You. God even went so far as to refer to His Chosen Ones as old whores who pay others for their services! Read Ezekiel 20 and the whole book of Hosea.

I'm sorry if this causes your paradigm to shift. We need to read The Word of God, all of it, to see what it REALLY SAYS! The pulpit pimps have been lied to in their seminaries and are just shoveling their deception to the innocent children, who not knowing any better, swallow it and pass it around as the truth!

I used to wonder about this one, "If it were possible, even the elect would be deceived". I was quite concerned and wondered if I was one of the deceived ones. I prayed fervently and asked Yah to show me the whole truth so that I would know for sure. He is Faithful and True and He did show me. Now I'm trying to share this with you.

I will have much more to say about this in the days to come.

Until then, May The Lord Bless you and keep you and lead you into ALL TRUTH.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Don't try this at home.........

Yes, I am a techno-noob. If there is a way to get this video to play on here, I havna gotta cluu Scotty. Please just click on the link and watch this.....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

And they said, "Where is your God......

......we don't see Him anywhere up there".

This is simply awesome.

Now....... "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse" Romans 1- 20

Alrighty then, some will try and use this as evidence for the
THEORY of evolution, but, sorry, it takes
more faith to
believe in evolution than a loving, creator God.

His name is Yeshua, and He came to rescue us from sin
and death.

And He loves you more than you can know or understand.........

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I do not agree with what you have to say,

but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire.

That is one of the most often quoted sayings when discussing the right of free speech. And it came from one of the fathers of secular humanism no less.

I was forwarded this next bit from my friend and brother Gordon Watson.

He is a bit of a radical, if you consider being a white christian male radical, who has been defending the rights of the unborn, born and reborn for many years now. When I first heard of him, he was the, in his words, "poster-boy for the pro-life movement". He was frequently interviewed by the Christian media and I recall reading about him in such publications as The Christian Info News.

Well, even thee established oh so politically correct Religious Christian church, note I said "religious", wasn't immune to his critical gaze, and they soon dropped him from the limelight.

He has quite a testimony of being used by Yahwey to "defend the poor and fatherless" and I am pleased to call him my friend.

That said, here is a little bit of where he's at now............

To : Canadians who care about the integrity of government

the comment below, has been emailed and will likely be published on the internet.

I want you to be aware of what I actually wrote, versus the back-channel rumbling and fallout which likely will happen

the person I'm talking about, Terry Tremaine, is the head of the National Socialist Party of Canada. He is a professor ... fired from his position at the U of Saskatchewan, then subsequently hectored through various legal proceedings for his political beliefs. He wound up with an Order from the Cdn Human Rights Commission that he not be allowed to use the internet. He was arrested last week ostensibly for breaching that bail condition, for having posted his defence against another charge he is facing = of "hate speech" section 319 of the Criminal Code

Today he sits in gaol, waiting for the next round of a bail hearing

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic, Party of Citizens


To : Paul Fromm at CAFÉ

Having been in maximum security for non-violent expression of my political beliefs, I am sympathetic to Terry Tremaine, yet I am pessimistic about his situation. Let me make it perfectly clear to all-concerned that I do not cleave to the philosophy of the National Socialist party. My father, and my uncles were bloodied wearing the uniform of the Dominion of Canada at war with the Third Reich. Immediately behind the front lines, my mother nursed broken men, from both sides of the battle. My grandfather was gassed at Ypres. My citizenship has been bought and paid-for in blood, sweat and tears. So I will not put up with anyone gainsaying my motive as I speak up for one whose right to equal treatment under the law is being trampled.

I tell people : 'if there's one thing you do NOT want to get tangled-up in, it's contempt of Court'. I've been through four contempt proceedings. One of which I won. I had a ringside seat for the trial of lawyer Jack Cram, whose case is one of the leading cases on that topic.

As you're finding out, the judiciary has all power when it perceives itself to be affronted. Often, after a dissident does fairly well in Court by using the show-trial to expose corruption, especially if he gets some publicity, the Powers-that-Be take off the velvet glove and apply the fist of steel. The rulebook is ditched and we see what totalitarianism looks like.

Those of us who were brought up to presume the British tradition of liberty under law, laugh at the rank hypocrisy, but the enemies of freedom lack the intellectual honesty to be embarrassed. There is nothing so useless it cannot at least be used as a bad example ; on the witness stand in a Human Wrongs hearing in Vancouver, I saw that personality disorder - miserable humor-less-ness - personified by the despicable Richard Warman

My all-time example of the utter perversion of Justice happened in 1994, arising out of the anti-abortion controversy. I made the judge issue a Judicial Notice acknowledging that, in the incident for which I was charged with contempt of an Order, I had been trying to stop a crime in progress = ie, a non-therapeutic surgery to execute a little baby / a sex-selection abortion ... by merely speaking to the father of the unborn girl = then he sent me to gaol for 21 days!

Since Dr Tremaine's illegal speech touches on the topic of 'race', it is worth mentioning that the East Indian father of the baby told me that they had had an ultrasound done to determine the child's sex. They were having her destroyed by the abortionists, so he didn’t have to come up with another dowry, since they already had one daughter. How's that for multi-cultural-ism, eh?

In the subsequent trial in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I undid one of the great myths of feminism … that ‘abortion was decriminalized' in the Morgue&$$ case in 1988. Special Prosecutor Donald Sorochan had the decency to tell the court that he agreed with me, that section 163 (2) ( c ) of the Criminal Code is valid. Later, Denis Murray agreed too. Mr Murray having been the head of the Criminal Justice Branch in British Columbia, his opinion carries all the weight in the world. But the genocide against the white race goes on in the aborturaries as dissident voices are gaoled.

Human nature does not change … the race traitors, religious racketeers and vipers who sat in Moses’ seat in ancient Israel, incarcerated their critics then, and their descendants do it today.

When they get nervous about a dissident prevailing in the legal game, or getting traction for his ideas in the court of public opinion, the govt. plays the ‘contempt of Court’ card. As repugnant as it is, the ONLY way out of that charge is to go before the Court and grovel, so as to "purge the contempt".

A couple of years later, I stood before 3 Justices and said “I cannot apologize for trying to save the life of that little girl, but I have learned my lesson about contempt of Court, and I can promise you I won’t be back”. which satisfied them ; I did get to go home rather than serve out the sentence. So my maxim is : “any day you go to Court then get to go home and sleep in your own bed, is a good day”.

As far as the Court is concerned, the originating issue of how the Order came about, is irrelevant. You are only wasting your breath referring to it. All that does is confirm to the players in the legal racket that the Contemnor does not understand what's really going on. The Contemnor is not getting out of the coils of the Beast 'til the system feels that the disrepute into which his actions have brought it, has been remedied.

If the Contemnor cannot, in good conscience, do that much, then he will sit there indefinitely. First time I read that bit in the Criminal Code, it dawned on me how things are really done in this country, versus the Jewish fables we were told in the public fool system. It’s about the power of the Cult of the Black Robe ; all the rest is window-dressing

The glimmer of hope Terry Tremaine has as an argument to defend himself is that proceedings in Court are "qualified speech" ... specially-protected … thus outside the purview of a Court to prohibit. The fine point would be whether or not Dr Tremaine had actually filed the material at issue ... whether it had been stamped as received by the Clerk.

The members of the cult love such questions. Problem is ; it will take years for that one to grind its way up the rungs of the ladder of the Justice system. The enemies of free speech will be very happy to let him sit in prison and rot, meanwhile. Thus, he must agree with whatever bail condition the govt. demands. Because you simply cannot fight this stuff from inside their Castle

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic, Party of Citizens

Thursday, August 6, 2009

An "AHA" moment


Slaps forehead.

Ok, this may be a stretch for some but follow me here.

This morning as I was reading my daily devotional at, the subject was about Jesus "breathing" on his disciples, thereby giving them the Holy Spirit.

Then Mishel and I were discussing the various taxes that are coming out of literally nowhere, the strangest and most ominous being "Cap & Trade". Since the so called Global Warming hoax has been getting played up by the Illuminati owned press for the last few years, it seems as though C02 has become a bad thing.

Now, back to Jesus and the disciples at Pentecost.

What did he do? He blew C02 all over everyone and they received the Holy Spirit!!!

Is this getting through that little noggin of yours yet boy? (To quote the famous Foghorn Leghorn)

Now who would be a little ticked off that the mud monkeys had been given power from on High, to tread on serpents and scorpions and every deadly thing. Think for a moment, his name starts with a D, and hes a jerk.

Sooooo, I told you it was a stretch.

But think about it. If breathing was an act of Holy Ghost Power, wouldn't the devil be agin it?

Years ago, when I had delusions of a political future, I jokingly referred to taxing breathing. I said, "It will be a fair tax, only exhaling will be taxed, inhaling will still be free." That was 25 years ago. Am I a prophet or what! Ok, no, I'm sure I'm not. But dang, what are the boneheads trying to do right now? Tax freekin breathing! C02 is bad, bad, bad. Tailpipes, lungs and other things spew this stuff 24/7/365. OH NO! We're all gonna DIE!

Are you scared yet? Well, you shouldn't be because if you're in fear, you're NOT in faith, and THAT is exactly where the devil wants you.

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. ( And blow c02 all over the underworld).

Are we supposed to fear death? NO! What does the Word say? Jesus said, "You who through fear of death were in subjection to bondage...." BONDAGE! You chickens.

Mishel just said, "This is the devils back door to taxing the Holy Spirit". Well, she is a smart chick.

Granted this idea is still fresh and someone will argue, simply because someone always has to argue, but think about it. Why on earth would the satanic morons want to stop us from breathing if it didn't make their boss happy? This is looking like it's about way more than a little soot coming from a trucks exhaust stack.

Here's a question. What is the Bible but the "Inspired, aka, God Breathed Word of Life?"

Monday, August 3, 2009

Crop circlesquare
This is totally amazing art....way beyond boards and ropes!
As an artist I am humbled by these images that appear overnight...even if there were a huge team of mathmatically inclined folks with boards and ropes...the fact that folks could "be on the same page" and stick to the plan...all in the middle of the dark night...I want neighbors like that!( THE LITTLE WHITE SPECK NEAR MIDDLE IS HUMAN!)
If indeed aliens or angels or YAH himself is sending us a message...i think the message is this world of entropy and chaos and a very strong and active first law of thermodynamics, there is hope of divine order and mathematical beauty .Einstein said that truth has beauty that is it's signature of correctness ( not a quote , just my take on his perspective regarding physics and math )I wholeheartedly agree . Divine truths are always simple and complete or at least in THE BIG PICTURE appear that way...kinda like this "hay art"....perhaps YAH is saying "HEY!(hay) I am your father which ART IN HEAVEN,and every once in a while I leave my "fingerprints" just to remind you that there really is order to life!