Monday, March 29, 2010


Came across this video tonight, it sums up nicely what I've been saying about the whole "mental health" scam now for the last few years.

Carl Jung was the son of a preacher. My guess is that his father wasn't walking what he was talking, because Carl decided there had to be some other explanation for why people went crazy. He retained a semblance of biblical terminologies, preferring to refer to the demonic forces as "archetypes and dark shadows".

Freud was a fraud. He was a smart guy, I don't doubt that, but his theories of mental disorders being the result of repressed sexual desires, and the like, are IMHO, the ramblings of a dirty old man.

Today we have an industry built on and around these quacks! They are labeling you and me as mentally disturbed, all for the security that this brings them, not to mention the enormous profits that the pharmaceutical industry will make from the "cure".

Frankly, it's nuts!

This "industry", which is no industry at all, is full of atheistic, humanist, anti-christ men and women, who, for the most part, really believe that they are helping us.

God save us from well meaning fools!!!

Here's the video,

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