Monday, March 29, 2010

Not Many Wise........

Don't know about you, but I am pretty much done with TV
and all of the "regular" media. As they thumb their noses
at Christ and Christians in general, they have forever
lost me as a zombie.
When the likes of Paris Hilton are promoted as "the
beautiful people", the world is officially at the end.
I will admit that at one time, as a Christian even, I
thought God wanted me to be rich. Creflo Dollar, TD Jakes,
Mike Murdock, and a whole host of preachers from hell
just about had me convinced that this was Yahovey's plan
for my life. I was almost gone, but for one little verse
from the Bible, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and
His Righteousness, and He will add all these things unto
you". I figured God would make me rich then I'd go to
Bible school to learn about faith and truth. But nooooo.
It seems that the rich are, for the most part anyway, a
stench in His Holy nostrils. I had even, I'm ashamed to
admit, given to the rich, thinking that they would
"bless me". And the whole timeI was reading the book of
Proverbs thinking that I was the wise one!!! Oh the irony!
God will not allow His own to be destroyed by any of the
traps that the enemy sets, not even wealth or status.
He delights to give good gifts to His children, He will
build you your house and "fill it with all manner of
precious spoils", But He's going to do it His way,
which usually involves the chastising He reserves for
those sons and daughters whom He loves. To paraphrase
a scripture, "It sucks but then it's great".

All of this leads me to today's quote from Watchman Nee.
It seems the "lowly" have been around forever, even in
pre-communist China.

Well, beloved, rejoice that you are Lowborn! Rejoice
that the world despises you! Rejoice in knowing that
it rejects you, because The One who accepts you was
rejected by the same ones who despise you today.

And the Anti-Christ will be one of them......

God Has Chosen the Foolish and the Lowborn

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bible Verses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1Cor 1:25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser
than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than
men. 26 For consider your calling, brothers, that
there are not many wise according to flesh, not many
powerful, not many wellborn. 27 But God has chosen
the foolish things of the world that He might shame
those who are wise, and God has chosen the weak
things of the world that He might shame the things
that are strong, 28 And the lowborn things of the
world and the despised things God has chosen, things
which are not, that He might bring to nought the
things which are, 29 So that no flesh may boast
before God.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Words of Ministry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Here we see that among the believers there are not
many wise according to flesh. To be wise is related
to the mind, whereas to be powerful is related to
the will. In verse 26 Paul points out that among the
believers in Corinth there were not many wellborn.
The Greek word rendered wellborn in verse 26 means
highborn, noble, that is, born of a noble or royal
family. The church of God is composed not mainly of
the upper class, but of the lowborn of the world
and the despised. To appreciate the upper class is
against God's mind and a shame to the church.

In verse 28 the word lowborn means base, ignoble,
that is, born of common people. The expression
"things which are not" refers to the lowborn and
the despised as being as good as having no
existence. The lowborn and the despised are of
no account in the world. Hence, "things that are"
refer to the wellborn, who are counted much in the
world but brought to nothing by God in His economy.

In the eyes of man, the lowborn, the despised ones,
seem not to exist. They are so looked down upon that
they seem to have no existence. Thus, they are
"things which are not." But God uses these very
things to bring to nothing the things which are, the
wellborn who are counted much in the world. God has
chosen the lowborn, the low class, that He might shame
the wellborn, those of the upper class.

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