Sunday, April 4, 2010

Blessed Resurection Day!

Christ is Risen!!! He is alive forevermore!!! Because He lives, I can face tomorrow!!!

If you were to be faced with your death today, would you fear it? If you were to be executed for a crime you didn't commit, could you accept it? When you are falsely accused, do you bear it well?

Jesus overcame fear, death, and the onslaught of the enemy, satan. He triumphed over the things of this temporal plane. He saw the Glory that was His from the beginning of time, and boldly went forward to claim it!

Tonight, while sitting in front of the fire, I was surfing the net, when I came across this gem:

I'll warn you, it's a long read, but it's also well worth it.

Some of you think you're Christians. Some of you disdain the very thought. Either way, you will not see the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the same way after you read this.

It is my humble prayer that you will be transformed by the renewing of your minds.

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