Sunday, February 14, 2010

As Olympic dreams melt away


It looks pretty bad for the 2010 Winter Olympics right now. As I sit here in our little mountainside hovel, I glance at the outside temperature and it is 42.5 degrees Fahrenheit, or not freezing celsius.

We live about 100 miles East of Whistler Mtn. and generally have the same weather here as there. This is not good. Our snow is pretty much gone here. It's hard to ski on rocks and dirt, and those pesky little trees get tangled up in your snowboard. I suppose I should feel sorry for them. But I don't.

A it is so plainly written in the Bible, "Pride goes before the fall." Or as My lovely wife says, Pride before the slide. Well, the pride that has been eminating from the blowhards in Victoria and Vancouver for the last few years is what has caused their embarrassment to day. They pranced and preened as the homeless were scooted out of the city to make way for the rich and famous to come and snob it up around town. God loves the poor. He hates pride. Never a good scenario if you happen to be a proud hater of the poor. He can rub your nose in it and slap you good and hard. BAD DOG!

So, we hear tell of a potential False Flag event happening in Vancouver during the Oly's. Not a lot of buzz about it but a few of my favorite sites have speculated on it. One of the tenets of the New World Order crowd is "Order out of Chaos". It's even written on their money. (Think, you've seen it.) So, it wouldn't surprise me if something nasty did happen in the next 14 days.

So, as we ponder the end of civilization, lets take a look at "The biggest company that you've never heard of".

Golly. I had no idea that this giant corporate monster lived under the stairs! Feel safe now?

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