Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Trillion here, A Trillion there.....

We hear a lot of talk about "deficits" and "bailouts" lately. Some of the numbers being thrown around are pretty big.

$100 Billion

$750 Billion



Do you have any idea how much that is? I admit, in my foggy mind, I knew it was a lot but couldn't seem to wrap my mind around it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, ONE TRILLION DOLLARS!

You can pick your jaw back up off of the floor now.

Now, when you realize that our "leaders" are flinging this kind of money around with wild abandon, and no accountability, you have every right to get mad.

I recommend a little book that has been floating around out there,
"Billions for The Bankers; Debts for the People."
It nicely explains the utter criminal intent of the central banksters and their "fractional reserve banking".

There is plenty of info about this on the net, so just look it up.

I'm not lazy, just very busy.

The truth will set you free.....

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