Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Work Will Set You Free!!!

In the dark days of the Communist Gulag system of the Soviet Union, there were signs placed in various places around the camps. Since these godless monsters who ran the gulags had no hope of eternal life, or even much in this one, they had catchy phrases that they used for solace and comfort. They even thought it would be a kindness to the poor souls who found themselves being starved and worked to death, literally, to "encourage" them with these pithy sayings.

Of course, the reality was, that these sayings were just further torture to the prisoners. I believe that the majority of the inmates; men, women and children, were Christians. Never mind the lies and hype of the jewish holocaust, even if the 6 million number is true, it pales in significance to the more than 200 million people who have been systematically slaughtered over the course of the last one hundred years.

We are just about at "fullness of time". Only the Lord Yahovey knows the time and hour. We don't agree with the mainstream christian church about alot of things and one of them is the pre-tribulation rapture. I'm sorry but it's just not in the Bible. The condemnation of those who teach it is though. Well, I have to be honest, I wish it was true. It would be so nice to just float on out of this sinking mess before it gets all bloody and nasty. I bet the millions of Christians who have been martyred in the last century wished the same thing. Let's be honest, we humans are rather fond of this spinning rock. Even the Christians are willing to trade their salvation for comfort and "safety". Well, they're in for a shock when the jackboot lands on there faces.

Just because it's all doom and gloom down here doesn't mean that we can't enjoy a good tune though!

I have no idea who those lovely ladies with their scary tune are but it's a keeper.

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