Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Our unique life

Who on earth, or anywhere else, would want to read about our strange lives.

Well, if that's you, hi there.

I'm Jon, my wife is Mishel. We live in the wilds of British Columbia Canada on our little patch of paradise. My method of "going out, killing something and dragging it home" is to drive a transport truck, delivering house plants to Alberta. So I guess that would make me a "Living Commodities Relocator" and a homesteading pioneer. Not that boring when you look at it that way.

We, ok, I'm building a "recycled house" using as many used materials as possible. We're out of the zoning regulations area so I have a little more freedom to be creative. My lovely wife Mishel keeps the home fires burning and makes our house a home, as well as keeping me in line.

We are both followers of the Messiah Yeshua and therefore we believe the Word of God, the Bible, to be the inspired and only truth. Intolerant you say? We didn't make it up but we both have enough personal evidence and proof that He is Who He says He is. If you hang around long enough you'll see the little miracles, and some whoppers, for yourself. Better yet if you have a personal relationship with him you'll have your own amazing adventure stories! Maybe you should start a blog.

Political leanings are to the conservative side. I don't go for this left and right business. I am a free enterpriser, not a capitalist pig, I think that socialists are usually just jealous wieners who want everyone else's stuff. I am glad that Obama is the POTUS because that just means that The Book of Revelation is right on track. So now you hate me! That's ok, because I love you and will fight for your right to disagree with me! Freekin Christians, eh?

Have you ever seen a miracle? I have. Countless numbers of them. I like what some old preacher said, " You say that my prayers being answered are just coincidences well I sure have noticed how many more coincidences I have when I pray!" We had a "little" forest fire here back in the summer of '98. It was 105 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade and when I smelled the smoke I knew it was not good. This was a fir and cedar old growth forest and it was tinder dry. The fire came through at an amazing speed and we were evacuated within 15 minutes of it starting. Our little camp was right in the path of it and I knew that only the hand of the Lord could save my humble treehouse. 44 days went by and we waited at a local motel. Then the word came, it was there! The fire had literally split in two and gone around our place! It was a pretty basic shack, covered with tarps and bits of plastic, and even though 10,000 hectares of forest was burned our treehouse didn't even have a singe mark on it! That folks, is a miracle. There have been so many more times that Yeshua has been a very present help than I can recall. Needless to say, when the tribulation comes, and it will, and assuming the pre-trib rapture is a no go, then I won't be denying the One who saved me!

So now it's summer. We trust the Lord to protect us from forest fires and the idiots who start them. Our house is my "art project" and it will keep me busy for many years to come. There's an old saying where my wife comes from, "House done man die", so I'll be around for quite a while yet.

So if you want to hang around be our guest. Just remember, if I see you just standing there I might find something for you to do.

Yah Bless ya'll, Jon & Mishel


  1. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    Ha Ha Ha Jon, that's an amazing post!!! I LOVE IT! what is a Potus? Susan

  2. ...president of the united states
